
424B2: Prospectus

424B2: Prospectus

美股SEC公告 ·  03:47
JPMorgan Chase Financial Company LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co., has announced the pricing of its Auto Callable Contingent Interest Notes, which are linked to the MerQube US Tech+ Vol Advantage Index and are due on September 17, 2029. The notes, priced at $1,295,000, are designed for investors seeking contingent interest payments based on the performance of the Index, with the potential for automatic call if the Index reaches a specified level. The notes are unsecured and unsubordinated, with JPMorgan Chase & Co. providing a full and unconditional guarantee. The notes were priced on September 12, 2024, and are expected to settle on September 17, 2024. The notes carry risks, including the potential loss of principal and the possibility of receiving no contingent interest payments...Show More
JPMorgan Chase Financial Company LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase & Co., has announced the pricing of its Auto Callable Contingent Interest Notes, which are linked to the MerQube US Tech+ Vol Advantage Index and are due on September 17, 2029. The notes, priced at $1,295,000, are designed for investors seeking contingent interest payments based on the performance of the Index, with the potential for automatic call if the Index reaches a specified level. The notes are unsecured and unsubordinated, with JPMorgan Chase & Co. providing a full and unconditional guarantee. The notes were priced on September 12, 2024, and are expected to settle on September 17, 2024. The notes carry risks, including the potential loss of principal and the possibility of receiving no contingent interest payments. The notes are not bank deposits, are not FDIC insured, and involve a number of risks detailed in the accompanying prospectus supplement and other offering documents. The notes are subject to a 6.0% per annum daily deduction from the Index and a notional financing cost, which may negatively impact the performance of the Index and the potential returns to investors. The notes are not designed to be short-term trading instruments, and investors should be prepared to hold them until maturity or automatic call.
JPMorgan Chase金融公司LLC是JPMorgan Chase&Co.的全資子公司,宣佈定價由MerQube美國Tech+ Vol Advantage指數關聯的自動可實施的有條件利息票據,截至2029年9月17日到期。票據定價爲$ 1,295,000,旨在爲尋求基於指數表現的有條件利息支付的投資者提供潛在的自動認購。票據爲無擔保和無優先權,由JPMorgan Chase&Co提供完全無條件擔保。這些票據於2024年9月12日定價,預計於2024年9月17日結算。票據存在風險,包括可能損失本金以及可能收不到有條件利息支付的可能性。這些票據不是銀行存款,也沒有FDIC保險,並涉及一系列在附隨的招股說明書補充和其他發售文件中詳細說明的風險。票據每年從指數中扣除6.0%的逐日費用以及名義融資成本,這可能對指數的表現和投資者的潛在回報產生負面影響。這些票據不是爲短期交易工具設計的,投資者應準備持有到到期或自動認購。
JPMorgan Chase金融公司LLC是JPMorgan Chase&Co.的全資子公司,宣佈定價由MerQube美國Tech+ Vol Advantage指數關聯的自動可實施的有條件利息票據,截至2029年9月17日到期。票據定價爲$ 1,295,000,旨在爲尋求基於指數表現的有條件利息支付的投資者提供潛在的自動認購。票據爲無擔保和無優先權,由JPMorgan Chase&Co提供完全無條件擔保。這些票據於2024年9月12日定價,預計於2024年9月17日結算。票據存在風險,包括可能損失本金以及可能收不到有條件利息支付的可能性。這些票據不是銀行存款,也沒有FDIC保險,並涉及一系列在附隨的招股說明書補充和其他發售文件中詳細說明的風險。票據每年從指數中扣除6.0%的逐日費用以及名義融資成本,這可能對指數的表現和投資者的潛在回報產生負面影響。這些票據不是爲短期交易工具設計的,投資者應準備持有到到期或自動認購。


