


甲骨文 | CORRESP:信函
美股SEC公告 ·  07/27 03:59
Oracle Corporation has responded to the SEC's request for more detailed financial disclosures in its future filings. The SEC's Division of Corporation Finance, Office of Technology, had previously reached out to Oracle's CEO, Safra Catz, with comments on the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2024. The SEC sought a quantified discussion of customer migrations to Oracle Cloud and a more comprehensive analysis of the factors impacting Oracle's financial results. Oracle acknowledged the comments and committed to including the requested information in its next annual report for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2025, and to provide a more detailed analysis of the factors affecting its financial performance in future filings.
Oracle Corporation has responded to the SEC's request for more detailed financial disclosures in its future filings. The SEC's Division of Corporation Finance, Office of Technology, had previously reached out to Oracle's CEO, Safra Catz, with comments on the company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2024. The SEC sought a quantified discussion of customer migrations to Oracle Cloud and a more comprehensive analysis of the factors impacting Oracle's financial results. Oracle acknowledged the comments and committed to including the requested information in its next annual report for the fiscal year ending May 31, 2025, and to provide a more detailed analysis of the factors affecting its financial performance in future filings.
Oracle 公司已回應證券交易委員會對其未來申報文件中的更詳細財務披露的要求。SEC 公司財務部科技辦先前已就 Oracle 公司 2024 財年截至 5 月 31 日的年度報告表格 10-k 向 Oracle CEO Safra Catz 發表意見。SEC 尋求對客戶遷移至 Oracle 雲的情況進行定量討論,並對影響 Oracle 財務結果的因素進行更全面的分析。Oracle 已承認這些意見,並承諾將在其2025財年截至5月31日的下一份年度報告中包含所請求的信息,並在未來的申報文件中提供更詳細的影響其財務表現的因素分析。
Oracle 公司已回應證券交易委員會對其未來申報文件中的更詳細財務披露的要求。SEC 公司財務部科技辦先前已就 Oracle 公司 2024 財年截至 5 月 31 日的年度報告表格 10-k 向 Oracle CEO Safra Catz 發表意見。SEC 尋求對客戶遷移至 Oracle 雲的情況進行定量討論,並對影響 Oracle 財務結果的因素進行更全面的分析。Oracle 已承認這些意見,並承諾將在其2025財年截至5月31日的下一份年度報告中包含所請求的信息,並在未來的申報文件中提供更詳細的影響其財務表現的因素分析。


