
6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/09/13 19:21


Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC will hold its Annual General Meeting on October 7, 2024. The company announced significant board changes, including the resignation of Chairman Håkan Samuelsson and the proposed appointment of Winfried Vahland as the new Chair. Three new directors are recommended for election: Francesca Gamboni, Christine Gorjanc, and Laura Shen.Shareholders will vote on several resolutions, including the re-appointment of Deloitte as external auditor and approval of a new compensation package for the Chair position, set at $500,000 annually. The board also proposes increased remuneration for the Audit Committee Chair and members.The company reported navigating challenging macroeconomic conditions in 2023 and adapting its business plan in 2024 to address increased price competition and import duties. Polestar aims to maintain its exclusive brand position while working towards future profitability.
Polestar Automotive Holding UK PLC will hold its Annual General Meeting on October 7, 2024. The company announced significant board changes, including the resignation of Chairman Håkan Samuelsson and the proposed appointment of Winfried Vahland as the new Chair. Three new directors are recommended for election: Francesca Gamboni, Christine Gorjanc, and Laura Shen.Shareholders will vote on several resolutions, including the re-appointment of Deloitte as external auditor and approval of a new compensation package for the Chair position, set at $500,000 annually. The board also proposes increased remuneration for the Audit Committee Chair and members.The company reported navigating challenging macroeconomic conditions in 2023 and adapting its business plan in 2024 to address increased price competition and import duties. Polestar aims to maintain its exclusive brand position while working towards future profitability.
Polestar汽車控股英國有限公司將於2024年10月7日召開年度股東大會。該公司宣佈了重要的董事會變更,包括董事長Håkan Samuelsson的辭職以及提議任命Winfried Vahland爲新董事長。推薦三位新董事候選人:Francesca Gamboni、克莉絲汀·戈爾揚茨,以及Laura Shen。股東將對多個決議進行投票,包括重新任命德勤爲外部核數師以及批准新的董事長薪酬方案,年薪定爲500,000美元。董事會還提議增加審計委員會主席和成員的報酬。公司報告稱在2023年面對嚴峻的宏觀經濟環境,並在2024年調整其業務計劃以應對日益激烈的價格競爭和進口關稅。Polestar旨在保持其獨特的品牌地位,同時努力實現未來盈利。
Polestar汽車控股英國有限公司將於2024年10月7日召開年度股東大會。該公司宣佈了重要的董事會變更,包括董事長Håkan Samuelsson的辭職以及提議任命Winfried Vahland爲新董事長。推薦三位新董事候選人:Francesca Gamboni、克莉絲汀·戈爾揚茨,以及Laura Shen。股東將對多個決議進行投票,包括重新任命德勤爲外部核數師以及批准新的董事長薪酬方案,年薪定爲500,000美元。董事會還提議增加審計委員會主席和成員的報酬。公司報告稱在2023年面對嚴峻的宏觀經濟環境,並在2024年調整其業務計劃以應對日益激烈的價格競爭和進口關稅。Polestar旨在保持其獨特的品牌地位,同時努力實現未來盈利。


