
8-K: Current report

8-K: Current report

美股SEC公告 ·  09/13 04:19
On September 10, 2024, 180 Life Sciences Corp. announced the resignation of its Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Secretary, Mr. Ozan Pamir, effective September 30, 2024. The resignation was not due to any disagreements with the company's operations, policies, or practices. Following this, on September 11, 2024, the Board appointed Mr. Omar Jimenez, a current board member, as the new CFO and Secretary, with his tenure beginning on September 30, 2024. Mr. Jimenez's qualifications and experience are detailed in the company's Annual Report filed on April 29, 2024. In conjunction with his new role, Mr. Jimenez will resign from his positions on the Company’s Compensation Committee, Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, and as Chairman of the Audit Committee. The company plans to add new independent board members to fill these committees in the coming weeks. A press release on September 12, 2024, officially disclosed Mr. Jimenez's appointment. 180 Life Sciences Corp. is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focusing on developing treatments for chronic pain, inflammation, and fibrosis.
On September 10, 2024, 180 Life Sciences Corp. announced the resignation of its Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Secretary, Mr. Ozan Pamir, effective September 30, 2024. The resignation was not due to any disagreements with the company's operations, policies, or practices. Following this, on September 11, 2024, the Board appointed Mr. Omar Jimenez, a current board member, as the new CFO and Secretary, with his tenure beginning on September 30, 2024. Mr. Jimenez's qualifications and experience are detailed in the company's Annual Report filed on April 29, 2024. In conjunction with his new role, Mr. Jimenez will resign from his positions on the Company’s Compensation Committee, Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, and as Chairman of the Audit Committee. The company plans to add new independent board members to fill these committees in the coming weeks. A press release on September 12, 2024, officially disclosed Mr. Jimenez's appointment. 180 Life Sciences Corp. is a clinical-stage biotechnology company focusing on developing treatments for chronic pain, inflammation, and fibrosis.
2024年9月10日,180 Life Sciences Corp.宣佈其首席財務官(CFO)兼秘書Ozan Pamir先生辭職,辭職日期爲2024年9月30日。這次辭職不是由於與公司的經營、政策或做法有任何分歧。隨後的2024年9月11日,董事會任命現任董事會成員Omar Jimenez先生爲新的CFO兼秘書,任期從2024年9月30日開始。Jimenez先生的資歷和經驗詳見公司於2024年4月29日提交的年度報告。爲配合他的新角色,Jimenez先生將辭去公司的薪酬委員會、提名和公司治理委員會的職位,並辭去審計委員會主席職務。公司計劃在接下來幾周內增加新的獨立董事來填補這些委員會的空缺。2024年9月12日的新聞發佈會正式披露了Jimenez先生的任命。180 Life Sciences Corp.是一家臨床階段的生物技術公司,專注於開發治療慢性疼痛、炎症和纖維化的方法。
2024年9月10日,180 Life Sciences Corp.宣佈其首席財務官(CFO)兼秘書Ozan Pamir先生辭職,辭職日期爲2024年9月30日。這次辭職不是由於與公司的經營、政策或做法有任何分歧。隨後的2024年9月11日,董事會任命現任董事會成員Omar Jimenez先生爲新的CFO兼秘書,任期從2024年9月30日開始。Jimenez先生的資歷和經驗詳見公司於2024年4月29日提交的年度報告。爲配合他的新角色,Jimenez先生將辭去公司的薪酬委員會、提名和公司治理委員會的職位,並辭去審計委員會主席職務。公司計劃在接下來幾周內增加新的獨立董事來填補這些委員會的空缺。2024年9月12日的新聞發佈會正式披露了Jimenez先生的任命。180 Life Sciences Corp.是一家臨床階段的生物技術公司,專注於開發治療慢性疼痛、炎症和纖維化的方法。


