


HKEX ·  Aug 30 16:32
Summary by Futu AI
數字王國集團有限公司(股份代號:547)於2024年9月1日公布了董事會成員名單及其在董事會下屬四個委員會中的角色和職能。董事會成員包括執行董事謝安先生(主席兼行政總裁)、孫大千博士(非執行董事)、Alla Y Alenikova女士、Brian Thomas McConville先生、段雄飛先生(獨立非執行董事)、劉暢女士(獨立非執行董事)、Elizabeth Monk Daley博士和胡勁恒先生(獨立非執行董事)。董事會下設執行委員會、審核委員會、提名委員會和薪酬委員會,其中段雄飛先生擔任審核委員會主席,並在其他兩個委員會中擔任成員。謝安先生在執行委員會擔任主席,並在提名委員會和薪酬委員會中擔任成員。其他董事成員分別在不同委員會中擔任成員或主席。
數字王國集團有限公司(股份代號:547)於2024年9月1日公布了董事會成員名單及其在董事會下屬四個委員會中的角色和職能。董事會成員包括執行董事謝安先生(主席兼行政總裁)、孫大千博士(非執行董事)、Alla Y Alenikova女士、Brian Thomas McConville先生、段雄飛先生(獨立非執行董事)、劉暢女士(獨立非執行董事)、Elizabeth Monk Daley博士和胡勁恒先生(獨立非執行董事)。董事會下設執行委員會、審核委員會、提名委員會和薪酬委員會,其中段雄飛先生擔任審核委員會主席,並在其他兩個委員會中擔任成員。謝安先生在執行委員會擔任主席,並在提名委員會和薪酬委員會中擔任成員。其他董事成員分別在不同委員會中擔任成員或主席。
Digital Domain Group Limited (Stock Code: 547) announced the list of board members and their roles and functions in the four committees under the board on September 1, 2024. The board members include Executive Director Mr. Xie An (Chairman and CEO), Dr. Sun Daqian (Non-executive Director), Ms. Alla Y Alenikova, Mr. Brian Thomas McConville, Mr. Duan Xiongfei (Independent Non-executive Director), Ms. Liu Chang (Independent Non-executive Director), Dr. Elizabeth Monk Daley, and Mr. Hu Jingheng (Independent Non-executive Director). The board has the Executive Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, and Remuneration Committee, with Mr. Duan Xiongfei serving as the chairman of the Audit Committee and as a member in the other two committees. Mr. Xie An serves as the chairman of the Executive Committee and as a member in the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee. Other board members serve as members or chairmen in different committees.
Digital Domain Group Limited (Stock Code: 547) announced the list of board members and their roles and functions in the four committees under the board on September 1, 2024. The board members include Executive Director Mr. Xie An (Chairman and CEO), Dr. Sun Daqian (Non-executive Director), Ms. Alla Y Alenikova, Mr. Brian Thomas McConville, Mr. Duan Xiongfei (Independent Non-executive Director), Ms. Liu Chang (Independent Non-executive Director), Dr. Elizabeth Monk Daley, and Mr. Hu Jingheng (Independent Non-executive Director). The board has the Executive Committee, Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, and Remuneration Committee, with Mr. Duan Xiongfei serving as the chairman of the Audit Committee and as a member in the other two committees. Mr. Xie An serves as the chairman of the Executive Committee and as a member in the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee. Other board members serve as members or chairmen in different committees.

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