
D/A: Filing D (Amendment)

D/A: Filing D (Amendment)

美股SEC公告 ·  08/30 05:06
ESGL Holdings Ltd, a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with its principal place of business in Singapore, has filed an amendment to its Form D Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The filing indicates that the company has sold $4,002,000 USD out of a total offering amount of $5,000,000 USD, with $998,000 USD remaining to be sold. The date of the first sale was August 21, 2024, and the offering is not intended to last more than one year. The securities offered are equity, and the offering is not being made in connection with a business combination transaction. The company has declined to disclose its revenue range or aggregate net asset value. The filing also...Show More
ESGL Holdings Ltd, a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with its principal place of business in Singapore, has filed an amendment to its Form D Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The filing indicates that the company has sold $4,002,000 USD out of a total offering amount of $5,000,000 USD, with $998,000 USD remaining to be sold. The date of the first sale was August 21, 2024, and the offering is not intended to last more than one year. The securities offered are equity, and the offering is not being made in connection with a business combination transaction. The company has declined to disclose its revenue range or aggregate net asset value. The filing also notes that $300,000 USD of the gross proceeds will be used for payments to executive officers, directors, or promoters, which is estimated. Ho Shian Ching, the Chief Financial Officer of ESGL Holdings Ltd, signed the filing on August 29, 2024. The company has claimed an exemption under Rule 506(b) of the Securities Act and has not engaged any brokers or dealers in connection with the offering.
總部位於新加坡的開曼群島公司ESGL Holdings Ltd已向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了《豁免證券招募通知表》的修正案。提交的文件顯示,該公司已出售了400,2000美元的證券,總髮行金額爲500,0000美元,剩餘待售金額爲99,8000美元。首次銷售日期爲2024年8月21日,招募計劃不超過一年。提供的證券爲股權,此招募與業務合併交易無關。公司拒絕透露其營業收入區間或綜合淨資產價值。提交的文件還指出,300,000美元的總收益將用於支付董事會成員、董事或推廣人員的報酬,此數爲預估值。ESGL Holdings Ltd的首席財務官何勝慶於2024年8月29日簽署了此文件。該公司聲稱根據《證券法》第506(b)條規定獲得了豁免,並未與任何經紀人或經銷商進行交易。
總部位於新加坡的開曼群島公司ESGL Holdings Ltd已向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了《豁免證券招募通知表》的修正案。提交的文件顯示,該公司已出售了400,2000美元的證券,總髮行金額爲500,0000美元,剩餘待售金額爲99,8000美元。首次銷售日期爲2024年8月21日,招募計劃不超過一年。提供的證券爲股權,此招募與業務合併交易無關。公司拒絕透露其營業收入區間或綜合淨資產價值。提交的文件還指出,300,000美元的總收益將用於支付董事會成員、董事或推廣人員的報酬,此數爲預估值。ESGL Holdings Ltd的首席財務官何勝慶於2024年8月29日簽署了此文件。該公司聲稱根據《證券法》第506(b)條規定獲得了豁免,並未與任何經紀人或經銷商進行交易。


