
DEF 14A: Definitive information statements

DEF 14A: Definitive information statements

DEF 14A:股東委託書決議
美股SEC公告 ·  08/27 04:08
Aclarion, Inc. has announced a Special Meeting of Stockholders to be held on September 23, 2024, where stockholders will vote on a proposed reverse stock split. The reverse stock split would allow the board of directors to combine outstanding shares of common stock into a lesser number of shares, with the ratio ranging from one-for-five to a maximum of one-for-fifty, at the board's discretion. This action is intended to increase the per-share market price of Aclarion's common stock to comply with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement. The board has fixed August 20, 2024, as the record date for stockholders entitled to vote. The board recommends a vote 'FOR' the reverse stock split proposal. The reverse stock...Show More
Aclarion, Inc. has announced a Special Meeting of Stockholders to be held on September 23, 2024, where stockholders will vote on a proposed reverse stock split. The reverse stock split would allow the board of directors to combine outstanding shares of common stock into a lesser number of shares, with the ratio ranging from one-for-five to a maximum of one-for-fifty, at the board's discretion. This action is intended to increase the per-share market price of Aclarion's common stock to comply with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement. The board has fixed August 20, 2024, as the record date for stockholders entitled to vote. The board recommends a vote 'FOR' the reverse stock split proposal. The reverse stock split, if approved, could be effected within one year of stockholder approval. Aclarion received a notice from Nasdaq on April 8, 2024, indicating non-compliance with the minimum bid price requirement. The reverse stock split is aimed at making the stock more attractive to institutional investors and enhancing liquidity. The board may choose not to proceed with the reverse stock split if it is deemed not in the best interest of the company or stockholders.
Aclarion, Inc.宣佈將於2024年9月23日舉行特別股東大會,股東將就擬議中的股票拆分進行投票。股票拆分將允許董事會將普通股的未償還股份合併爲較少數量的股份,比率範圍從1比5到最高1比50,由董事會自行決定。此舉旨在提高Aclarion普通股的每股市場價格,以符合納斯達克的最低買盤價格要求。董事會已確定2024年8月20日爲有權投票的股東的登記日。董事會建議投票「贊成」股票拆分提案。如果獲得批准,股票拆分可能在股東批准後一年內生效。Aclarion於2024年4月8日收到納斯達克的通知,指出未達到最低買盤價格要求。該股票拆分旨在使該股票對機構投資者更具吸引力,並提高流動性。如果董事會認爲該股票拆分不符合公司或股東的最佳利益,董事會可以選擇不進行該股票拆分。
Aclarion, Inc.宣佈將於2024年9月23日舉行特別股東大會,股東將就擬議中的股票拆分進行投票。股票拆分將允許董事會將普通股的未償還股份合併爲較少數量的股份,比率範圍從1比5到最高1比50,由董事會自行決定。此舉旨在提高Aclarion普通股的每股市場價格,以符合納斯達克的最低買盤價格要求。董事會已確定2024年8月20日爲有權投票的股東的登記日。董事會建議投票「贊成」股票拆分提案。如果獲得批准,股票拆分可能在股東批准後一年內生效。Aclarion於2024年4月8日收到納斯達克的通知,指出未達到最低買盤價格要求。該股票拆分旨在使該股票對機構投資者更具吸引力,並提高流動性。如果董事會認爲該股票拆分不符合公司或股東的最佳利益,董事會可以選擇不進行該股票拆分。


