
Zhihu | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Zhihu | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

知乎 | 6-K:外國發行人報告(業績相關)
美股SEC公告 ·  08/23 18:08


Zhihu Inc., a leading online content community in China, reported its unaudited financial results for the second quarter of 2024. The company saw a decrease in total revenues to RMB933.8 million (US$128.5 million) compared to RMB1,044.2 million in the same period of 2023. Despite the revenue decline, Zhihu achieved a significant reduction in net loss, which narrowed by 71.1% to RMB80.6 million (US$11.1 million), and an adjusted net loss (non-GAAP) that narrowed by 79.9% to RMB44.6 million (US$6.1 million). The company also reported an expansion in gross margin to 59.6% and a decrease in total operating expenses by 16.7%. Zhihu's average monthly active users (MAUs) were 80.6 million, and average monthly subscribing members were 14.7 million. The company's strategic decisions and execution led to improved financial results and user...Show More
Zhihu Inc., a leading online content community in China, reported its unaudited financial results for the second quarter of 2024. The company saw a decrease in total revenues to RMB933.8 million (US$128.5 million) compared to RMB1,044.2 million in the same period of 2023. Despite the revenue decline, Zhihu achieved a significant reduction in net loss, which narrowed by 71.1% to RMB80.6 million (US$11.1 million), and an adjusted net loss (non-GAAP) that narrowed by 79.9% to RMB44.6 million (US$6.1 million). The company also reported an expansion in gross margin to 59.6% and a decrease in total operating expenses by 16.7%. Zhihu's average monthly active users (MAUs) were 80.6 million, and average monthly subscribing members were 14.7 million. The company's strategic decisions and execution led to improved financial results and user retention. Zhihu launched Zhihu Zhida, an AI search initiative, in late June, which has received positive user feedback. The company also highlighted its lowest quarterly loss since its U.S. IPO and its commitment to enhancing shareholder returns, including a share repurchase program. As of June 30, 2024, Zhihu repurchased 31.1 million Class A ordinary shares under its 2022 Repurchase Program and established a concurrent 2024 Repurchase Program effective until June 26, 2025.
中國領先的在線內容社區智者公司(Zhihu Inc.)報告了2024年第二季度的未經審計財務業績。與2023年同期的人民幣1,044.2億相比,公司的總收入下降至人民幣933.8億(1美元=6.9人民幣匯率下的人民幣12.85億)。儘管收入下降,智者公司( Zhihu) 的淨虧損大幅減少,減少了71.1%,達到人民幣8 060萬(1美元=6.9人民幣匯率下的1.11億美元),調整後的淨虧損(非通用會計準則)下降了79.9%,降至人民幣44.6億人民幣(1美元=6.9人民幣匯率下的610萬美元)。該公司的毛利率提升至59.6%,總營業費用降低了16.7%。智者( Zhihu)的月活躍用戶數達到8...展開全部
中國領先的在線內容社區智者公司(Zhihu Inc.)報告了2024年第二季度的未經審計財務業績。與2023年同期的人民幣1,044.2億相比,公司的總收入下降至人民幣933.8億(1美元=6.9人民幣匯率下的人民幣12.85億)。儘管收入下降,智者公司( Zhihu) 的淨虧損大幅減少,減少了71.1%,達到人民幣8 060萬(1美元=6.9人民幣匯率下的1.11億美元),調整後的淨虧損(非通用會計準則)下降了79.9%,降至人民幣44.6億人民幣(1美元=6.9人民幣匯率下的610萬美元)。該公司的毛利率提升至59.6%,總營業費用降低了16.7%。智者( Zhihu)的月活躍用戶數達到8060萬,月訂閱會員數爲1470萬。公司的戰略決策和執行使財務業績和用戶保留得到了改善。智者( Zhihu)於6月下旬推出AI搜索計劃智者之答(Zhihu Zhida),得到了積極用戶的回應。公司還強調自美國IPO以來的季度最低虧損,並承諾增加股東回報,包括股份回購計劃。截至2024年6月30日,智者(Zhihu)在其2022年回購計劃下回購了3110萬份A類普通股,並設立了一項2024年回購計劃,有效期至2025年6月26日。


