
F-1/A: Registration statement for securities of certain Canadian issuers (Amendment)

F-1/A: Registration statement for securities of certain Canadian issuers (Amendment)

美股SEC公告 ·  08/23 05:30
SMX Public Limited Company has undertaken a series of financial and corporate restructuring activities throughout 2023 and 2024. The company secured a Standby Equity Purchase Agreement with YA II PN, LTD, potentially raising up to $25 million over the next 36 months. Additionally, SMX has incentivized its team by granting restricted stock units and options under its 2022 Incentive Equity Plan. A significant business combination agreement with Lionheart III Corp resulted in the issuance of shares and warrants. To streamline its capital structure, SMX executed a reverse stock split at a 75:1 ratio and later announced another reverse split scheduled for July 2024 with the same consolidation ratio. The company has also been active in securing funds through the issuance of convertible promissory notes to institutional investors and a Stock Purchase Agreement for up to $30 million. Furthermore, SMX has restructured certain debts and issued additional shares and warrants post-reporting date. Notably, the company secured a $5 million contract with R&I Trading of New York to enhance supply chain transparency for a NATO government member state.
SMX Public Limited Company has undertaken a series of financial and corporate restructuring activities throughout 2023 and 2024. The company secured a Standby Equity Purchase Agreement with YA II PN, LTD, potentially raising up to $25 million over the next 36 months. Additionally, SMX has incentivized its team by granting restricted stock units and options under its 2022 Incentive Equity Plan. A significant business combination agreement with Lionheart III Corp resulted in the issuance of shares and warrants. To streamline its capital structure, SMX executed a reverse stock split at a 75:1 ratio and later announced another reverse split scheduled for July 2024 with the same consolidation ratio. The company has also been active in securing funds through the issuance of convertible promissory notes to institutional investors and a Stock Purchase Agreement for up to $30 million. Furthermore, SMX has restructured certain debts and issued additional shares and warrants post-reporting date. Notably, the company secured a $5 million contract with R&I Trading of New York to enhance supply chain transparency for a NATO government member state.
SMX公⽉有限公司(SMX)在2023年和2024年開展了⼀系列的財務和公司重組活動。該公司與YA II PN, LTD達成了備⽤股權購買協議,有可能在接下來的36個⽉中最⼤籌集到2500萬美元。此外,SMX通過其2022年激勵股權計劃向其團隊授予了受限制的股票單位和期權。與Lionheart III Corp的⼤規模⽣意⼀致協議導致了股票和權證的發⾏。爲了簡化其資本結構,SMX以75:1的⽅式進行了⼀次反向股票拆分,並在2024年7⽉時宣佈了另⼀次相同的股票合併⽇程表。該公司還通過向機構投資者發⾏可轉換的⽑票和最⼤3000萬美元的股票購買協議來獲得資⾦。此外,SMX進⾏了某些債務的重組,並在報告後發⾏了額外的股票和權證。值得注意的是,該公司與紐約米⻄R&I Trading簽訂了⼀份500萬美元的合同,以提⾼北約⼀個成員國的供應鏈透明度。
SMX公⽉有限公司(SMX)在2023年和2024年開展了⼀系列的財務和公司重組活動。該公司與YA II PN, LTD達成了備⽤股權購買協議,有可能在接下來的36個⽉中最⼤籌集到2500萬美元。此外,SMX通過其2022年激勵股權計劃向其團隊授予了受限制的股票單位和期權。與Lionheart III Corp的⼤規模⽣意⼀致協議導致了股票和權證的發⾏。爲了簡化其資本結構,SMX以75:1的⽅式進行了⼀次反向股票拆分,並在2024年7⽉時宣佈了另⼀次相同的股票合併⽇程表。該公司還通過向機構投資者發⾏可轉換的⽑票和最⼤3000萬美元的股票購買協議來獲得資⾦。此外,SMX進⾏了某些債務的重組,並在報告後發⾏了額外的股票和權證。值得注意的是,該公司與紐約米⻄R&I Trading簽訂了⼀份500萬美元的合同,以提⾼北約⼀個成員國的供應鏈透明度。


