
Weibo | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Weibo | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

微博 | 6-K:外國發行人報告(業績相關)
美股SEC公告 ·  08/22 03:15


Weibo Corporation released its unaudited financial results for Q2 and H1 2024 on August 22, 2024. The company provided a reconciliation between US GAAP and IFRS financial statements, highlighting key differences in accounting treatments.The reconciliation, verified by PricewaterhouseCoopers, revealed variances in areas such as convertible debts, leases, fair value investments, share-based compensation, and redeemable non-controlling interests. Under IFRS, Weibo's net income attributable to shareholders for H1 2024 was $210.65 million, compared to $161.37 million under US GAAP.These adjustments primarily affected the presentation of financial statements and the timing of expense recognition, rather than fundamentally altering the company's financial position. The reconciliation aims to provide investors with a comprehensive view of Weibo's financial performance under both accounting standards.
Weibo Corporation released its unaudited financial results for Q2 and H1 2024 on August 22, 2024. The company provided a reconciliation between US GAAP and IFRS financial statements, highlighting key differences in accounting treatments.The reconciliation, verified by PricewaterhouseCoopers, revealed variances in areas such as convertible debts, leases, fair value investments, share-based compensation, and redeemable non-controlling interests. Under IFRS, Weibo's net income attributable to shareholders for H1 2024 was $210.65 million, compared to $161.37 million under US GAAP.These adjustments primarily affected the presentation of financial statements and the timing of expense recognition, rather than fundamentally altering the company's financial position. The reconciliation aims to provide investors with a comprehensive view of Weibo's financial performance under both accounting standards.
微博(臨時代碼)公司於2024年8月22日發佈了2024年第二季度和上半年的未經審計的基本報表。公司提供了美國公認會計原則(US GAAP)與國際財務報告準則(IFRS)之間的調解,突出了會計處理中的關鍵差異。經普華永道核實,調解顯示在可轉換債務、租賃、公允價值投資、基於股份的補償和可贖回非控股權益等方面存在差異。在IFRS下,微博(臨時代碼)在2024年上半年的凈利潤歸屬於股東爲21065萬美元,而在美國公認會計原則下爲16137萬美元。這些調整主要影響了基本報表的呈現和費用確認的時機,而並未從根本上改變公司的財務狀況。該調解旨在爲投資者提供微博(臨時代碼)在這兩種會計標準下的財務表現的全面視圖。
微博(臨時代碼)公司於2024年8月22日發佈了2024年第二季度和上半年的未經審計的基本報表。公司提供了美國公認會計原則(US GAAP)與國際財務報告準則(IFRS)之間的調解,突出了會計處理中的關鍵差異。經普華永道核實,調解顯示在可轉換債務、租賃、公允價值投資、基於股份的補償和可贖回非控股權益等方面存在差異。在IFRS下,微博(臨時代碼)在2024年上半年的凈利潤歸屬於股東爲21065萬美元,而在美國公認會計原則下爲16137萬美元。這些調整主要影響了基本報表的呈現和費用確認的時機,而並未從根本上改變公司的財務狀況。該調解旨在爲投資者提供微博(臨時代碼)在這兩種會計標準下的財務表現的全面視圖。


