
reAlpha Tech | 8-K: Current report

reAlpha Tech | 8-K: Current report

reAlpha Tech | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  08/21 18:20
On August 21, 2024, reAlpha Tech Corp. announced the appointment of William B. Miller as the new Chief Financial Officer, effective August 19, 2024. Miller, with over 20 years of finance reporting and leadership experience, previously held positions at Sunlight Financial Holdings Inc., KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc., and Fortress Investment Group LLC. He succeeds Michael J. Logozzo, who will continue as the Chief Operating Officer and President. The company has entered into an employment agreement with Miller, which includes a base salary, annual cash incentive bonus, and eligibility for equity awards under the company's 2022 Equity Incentive Plan. The appointment and compensation details will be disclosed in a Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC. reAlpha Tech, a real estate technology company, is also known for its AI-powered, commission-free homebuying platform, which aims to make homebuying more accessible and transparent.
On August 21, 2024, reAlpha Tech Corp. announced the appointment of William B. Miller as the new Chief Financial Officer, effective August 19, 2024. Miller, with over 20 years of finance reporting and leadership experience, previously held positions at Sunlight Financial Holdings Inc., KKR Real Estate Finance Trust Inc., and Fortress Investment Group LLC. He succeeds Michael J. Logozzo, who will continue as the Chief Operating Officer and President. The company has entered into an employment agreement with Miller, which includes a base salary, annual cash incentive bonus, and eligibility for equity awards under the company's 2022 Equity Incentive Plan. The appointment and compensation details will be disclosed in a Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC. reAlpha Tech, a real estate technology company, is also known for its AI-powered, commission-free homebuying platform, which aims to make homebuying more accessible and transparent.
2024年8月21日,reAlpha Tech corp宣佈任命威廉·B·米勒爲新任首席財務官,任命自2024年8月19日生效。米勒擁有超過20年的財務報告和領導經驗,在Sunlight Financial Holdings Inc.、kkr房地產金融信託公司和Fortress Investment Group LLC曾擔任職位。他接替邁克爾·J·洛戈佐,後者將繼續擔任首席運營官和總裁。公司與米勒簽訂了僱傭協議,包括基本薪酬、年度現金激勵獎金,以及有權根據公司的2022年股權激勵計劃獲得股權獎勵。任命和薪酬詳情將在提交給美國證券交易委員會的第8-k表格的當期報告中披露。reAlpha Tech是一家房地產科技公司,還以其基於人工智能的、免佣金的購房平台而聞名,旨在使購房更加便捷和透明。
2024年8月21日,reAlpha Tech corp宣佈任命威廉·B·米勒爲新任首席財務官,任命自2024年8月19日生效。米勒擁有超過20年的財務報告和領導經驗,在Sunlight Financial Holdings Inc.、kkr房地產金融信託公司和Fortress Investment Group LLC曾擔任職位。他接替邁克爾·J·洛戈佐,後者將繼續擔任首席運營官和總裁。公司與米勒簽訂了僱傭協議,包括基本薪酬、年度現金激勵獎金,以及有權根據公司的2022年股權激勵計劃獲得股權獎勵。任命和薪酬詳情將在提交給美國證券交易委員會的第8-k表格的當期報告中披露。reAlpha Tech是一家房地產科技公司,還以其基於人工智能的、免佣金的購房平台而聞名,旨在使購房更加便捷和透明。


