
Tonix Pharmaceuticals | 10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

Tonix Pharmaceuticals | 10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

Tonix Pharmaceuticals | 10-Q:2024財年二季報
美股SEC公告 ·  08/17 05:23
Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (Tonix) reported financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. The company recognized revenue of $2.2 million, primarily from the sale of two marketed products, Zembrace SymTouch and Tosymra, acquired in July 2023. Cost of sales was $3.4 million, including inventory write-downs of approximately $1.7 million. Research and development expenses decreased by 56% to $9.7 million, due to reduced clinical, non-clinical, and manufacturing expenses. General and administrative expenses increased by 7% to $7.5 million, attributed to higher financial reporting and sales and marketing costs. The company recorded a non-cash impairment charge of $58.9 million related to property, equipment, goodwill, and intangible assets. The net loss for the quarter was $78.8 million, a 177% increase from the previous year's $28.4 million. Tonix's cash resources are...Show More
Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. (Tonix) reported financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. The company recognized revenue of $2.2 million, primarily from the sale of two marketed products, Zembrace SymTouch and Tosymra, acquired in July 2023. Cost of sales was $3.4 million, including inventory write-downs of approximately $1.7 million. Research and development expenses decreased by 56% to $9.7 million, due to reduced clinical, non-clinical, and manufacturing expenses. General and administrative expenses increased by 7% to $7.5 million, attributed to higher financial reporting and sales and marketing costs. The company recorded a non-cash impairment charge of $58.9 million related to property, equipment, goodwill, and intangible assets. The net loss for the quarter was $78.8 million, a 177% increase from the previous year's $28.4 million. Tonix's cash resources are expected to fund operations into the third quarter of 2024, but not beyond. The company continues to seek additional funding and may need to scale back or eliminate some operations if additional funds are not secured. Tonix's stock is at risk of delisting from Nasdaq due to non-compliance with the minimum bid price requirement. The company's future capital requirements will depend on various factors, including research and development progress, regulatory outcomes, and the ability to develop markets for its product candidates.
Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.(Tonix)公佈了截至2024年6月30日的季度財務業績。公司主要依靠2023年7月收購的銷售的兩種已上市產品Zembrace SymTouch和Tosymra實現了220萬美元的營業收入。銷售成本爲340萬美元,其中包括約170萬美元的庫存減記。由於臨床、非臨床和製造費用減少,研發費用下降了56%至970萬美元。由於財務報告和銷售及市場營銷成本較高,一般管理費用增長了7%至750萬美元。公司計提了5890萬美元的非貨幣計提的資產減值損失,主要涉及房地產、設備、商譽和無形資產。該季度淨虧損爲7880萬美元,比上一年的284...展開全部
Tonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp.(Tonix)公佈了截至2024年6月30日的季度財務業績。公司主要依靠2023年7月收購的銷售的兩種已上市產品Zembrace SymTouch和Tosymra實現了220萬美元的營業收入。銷售成本爲340萬美元,其中包括約170萬美元的庫存減記。由於臨床、非臨床和製造費用減少,研發費用下降了56%至970萬美元。由於財務報告和銷售及市場營銷成本較高,一般管理費用增長了7%至750萬美元。公司計提了5890萬美元的非貨幣計提的資產減值損失,主要涉及房地產、設備、商譽和無形資產。該季度淨虧損爲7880萬美元,比上一年的2840萬美元增長了177%。Tonix的現金資源預計可以支持到2024年第三季度,但不能超過。如果無法獲得額外資金,公司仍在尋求額外資金,並可能需要縮減或取消某些運營。Tonix的股票因未符合納斯達克的最低買入價要求而有被除牌的風險。公司未來的資本需求將取決於各種因素,包括研究和開發進展、監管結果以及開發其產品候選品的市場能力。


