
10-K/A: Annual report (Amendment)

10-K/A: Annual report (Amendment)

美股SEC公告 ·  08/16 04:12
Jet.AI Inc. (Jet.AI), a Delaware-based aviation services company, filed an amended annual report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The company reported revenues of $12,214,556, a decrease from the previous year's $21,862,728. The cost of revenues was $12,393,089, resulting in a gross loss of $178,533. Operating expenses totaled $12,331,912, leading to an operating loss of $12,510,445. The net loss for the year was $12,616,408, with a basic and diluted net loss per share of $2.00. The company's financial position included total assets of $5,739,188 and total liabilities of $9,675,227. Jet.AI's business development included a leasing arrangement for an aircraft, a Share Purchase Agreement with GEM for up to $40 million in common stock, and a Forward Purchase Agreement with Meteora Capital Partners. The company's future plans involve funding operations through existing financing arrangements and potential equity or debt financing. Jet.AI's strategy includes managing aircraft for owners, selling fractional and whole interests in aircraft, and operating a proprietary booking platform for private jet travel.
Jet.AI Inc. (Jet.AI), a Delaware-based aviation services company, filed an amended annual report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The company reported revenues of $12,214,556, a decrease from the previous year's $21,862,728. The cost of revenues was $12,393,089, resulting in a gross loss of $178,533. Operating expenses totaled $12,331,912, leading to an operating loss of $12,510,445. The net loss for the year was $12,616,408, with a basic and diluted net loss per share of $2.00. The company's financial position included total assets of $5,739,188 and total liabilities of $9,675,227. Jet.AI's business development included a leasing arrangement for an aircraft, a Share Purchase Agreement with GEM for up to $40 million in common stock, and a Forward Purchase Agreement with Meteora Capital Partners. The company's future plans involve funding operations through existing financing arrangements and potential equity or debt financing. Jet.AI's strategy includes managing aircraft for owners, selling fractional and whole interests in aircraft, and operating a proprietary booking platform for private jet travel.
Jet.AI公司(Jet.AI)是一家總部位於特拉華州的航空服務公司,已更新截至2023年12月31日的年度報告。該公司報告的營收爲12,214,556美元,較上一年的21,862,728美元有所下降。營業成本爲12,393,089美元,導致毛利損失178,533美元。營業費用總計12,331,912美元,導致營業虧損12,510,445美元。該年度的淨虧損爲12,616,408美元,基本和攤薄每股淨虧損爲2.00美元。公司的財務狀況包括總資產爲5,739,188美元,總負債爲9,675,227美元。Jet.AI的業務發展包括一項租賃飛機的安排,與創業板的股票訂購協議,可獲得高達4000萬美元的普通股,以及與Meteora Capital Partners的遠期訂購協議。公司未來的計劃包括通過現有融資安排和潛在的股權或債務融資來資助業務運營。Jet.AI的戰略包括爲所有者管理飛機,銷售飛機的分式和整體權益,並經營專有的私人飛機預訂平台。
Jet.AI公司(Jet.AI)是一家總部位於特拉華州的航空服務公司,已更新截至2023年12月31日的年度報告。該公司報告的營收爲12,214,556美元,較上一年的21,862,728美元有所下降。營業成本爲12,393,089美元,導致毛利損失178,533美元。營業費用總計12,331,912美元,導致營業虧損12,510,445美元。該年度的淨虧損爲12,616,408美元,基本和攤薄每股淨虧損爲2.00美元。公司的財務狀況包括總資產爲5,739,188美元,總負債爲9,675,227美元。Jet.AI的業務發展包括一項租賃飛機的安排,與創業板的股票訂購協議,可獲得高達4000萬美元的普通股,以及與Meteora Capital Partners的遠期訂購協議。公司未來的計劃包括通過現有融資安排和潛在的股權或債務融資來資助業務運營。Jet.AI的戰略包括爲所有者管理飛機,銷售飛機的分式和整體權益,並經營專有的私人飛機預訂平台。


