
Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras | 6-K: Petrobras starts reactivation process for fertilizer plant in Araucária (Paraná state)

Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras | 6-K: Petrobras starts reactivation process for fertilizer plant in Araucária (Paraná state)

巴西石油公司 | 6-K:巴西國家石油公司啓動阿勞卡里亞(巴拉那州)化肥廠重啓程序
美股SEC公告 ·  08/15 20:02
Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras has announced an investment of R$870 million to restart operations at its wholly-owned Araucária Nitrogenados S.A (ANSA) fertilizer plant in Paraná, Brazil. The plant, which has been inactive since 2020, is expected to resume production in the second half of 2025. This decision follows technical and economic viability studies and aligns with Petrobras' Strategic Plan 2024-2028, which reintroduces fertilizer production into its portfolio. The reactivation process includes contracting services, acquiring materials with over 85% local content, and mobilizing service and equipment maintenance contracts. Former employees have returned to work following an agreement with the Labor Prosecutor's Office and the Superior Labor Court. Additionally, Petrobras plans to invest R$3.2 billion in its Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery (REPAR) for maintenance and new projects, including a new hydrotreating unit to increase S-10 diesel production and initiatives to improve energy efficiency and distillation capacity.
Petroleo Brasileiro SA Petrobras has announced an investment of R$870 million to restart operations at its wholly-owned Araucária Nitrogenados S.A (ANSA) fertilizer plant in Paraná, Brazil. The plant, which has been inactive since 2020, is expected to resume production in the second half of 2025. This decision follows technical and economic viability studies and aligns with Petrobras' Strategic Plan 2024-2028, which reintroduces fertilizer production into its portfolio. The reactivation process includes contracting services, acquiring materials with over 85% local content, and mobilizing service and equipment maintenance contracts. Former employees have returned to work following an agreement with the Labor Prosecutor's Office and the Superior Labor Court. Additionally, Petrobras plans to invest R$3.2 billion in its Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery (REPAR) for maintenance and new projects, including a new hydrotreating unit to increase S-10 diesel production and initiatives to improve energy efficiency and distillation capacity.
巴西石油公司宣佈,將投資87000萬雷亞爾重新啓動其全資子公司Araucária Nitrogenados S.A (ANSA)位於巴西巴拉那州的肥料工廠的運營。該工廠自2020年以來一直處於停產狀態,預計將在2025年下半年恢復生產。此決定遵循技術和經濟可行性研究,並與石油巴西的2024-2028戰略計劃一致,該計劃將肥料生產重新引入其組合。重新啓動過程包括承包服務、採購85%以上的本地材料以及動員服務和設備維護合同。經過與勞動檢察官辦公室和最高勞動法院的協議,以前的員工已經回到工作崗位。此外,巴西石油公司計劃投資32億雷亞爾用於總統格特烏利奧·瓦爾加斯煉油廠(REPAR)的維護和新項目,包括新的加氫處理裝置以增加S-10柴油生產以及提高能源效率和蒸餾能力的舉措。
巴西石油公司宣佈,將投資87000萬雷亞爾重新啓動其全資子公司Araucária Nitrogenados S.A (ANSA)位於巴西巴拉那州的肥料工廠的運營。該工廠自2020年以來一直處於停產狀態,預計將在2025年下半年恢復生產。此決定遵循技術和經濟可行性研究,並與石油巴西的2024-2028戰略計劃一致,該計劃將肥料生產重新引入其組合。重新啓動過程包括承包服務、採購85%以上的本地材料以及動員服務和設備維護合同。經過與勞動檢察官辦公室和最高勞動法院的協議,以前的員工已經回到工作崗位。此外,巴西石油公司計劃投資32億雷亞爾用於總統格特烏利奧·瓦爾加斯煉油廠(REPAR)的維護和新項目,包括新的加氫處理裝置以增加S-10柴油生產以及提高能源效率和蒸餾能力的舉措。


