
424B3: Prospectus

424B3: Prospectus

美股SEC公告 ·  08/15 18:32
LeddarTech Holdings Inc. (LeddarTech), an automotive software company specializing in AI-based sensor fusion and perception technology, reported its financial results for the third fiscal quarter of 2024, ending June 30, 2024. The company announced revenues of $1.4 million, consistent with the previous year's quarter. Gross profit for the quarter was $537,435, a significant improvement from a gross loss of $66,127 in the same period last year. The increase in gross profit was attributed to a comparison against an inventory write-down in the previous year's quarter. Operating expenses for the quarter were $10.9 million, up from $8.4 million in the prior year, mainly due to higher stock-based compensation expenses and increased selling costs. The net loss for the quarter was $7.5 million, compared to a...Show More
LeddarTech Holdings Inc. (LeddarTech), an automotive software company specializing in AI-based sensor fusion and perception technology, reported its financial results for the third fiscal quarter of 2024, ending June 30, 2024. The company announced revenues of $1.4 million, consistent with the previous year's quarter. Gross profit for the quarter was $537,435, a significant improvement from a gross loss of $66,127 in the same period last year. The increase in gross profit was attributed to a comparison against an inventory write-down in the previous year's quarter. Operating expenses for the quarter were $10.9 million, up from $8.4 million in the prior year, mainly due to higher stock-based compensation expenses and increased selling costs. The net loss for the quarter was $7.5 million, compared to a net loss of $4.2 million in the third quarter of 2023. Adjusted EBITDA loss for the quarter was $7.8 million, compared to an adjusted EBITDA loss of $5.3 million in the same quarter last year. The company's cash balance as of June 30, 2024, was $5.7 million. LeddarTech also announced an agreement in principle for a bridge debt financing of US$9.0 million to meet near-term obligations while seeking US$35.0 million or more in additional equity capital. The bridge financing is subject to the finalization of definitive agreements.
LeddarTech Holdings Inc.(以下簡稱LeddarTech),一家專注於人工智能傳感器融合和感知技術的汽車軟件公司,發佈了截止2024年6月30日的第三財季財務報告。公司宣佈該季度營業收入爲$1.4M,與去年同期持平。該季度的毛利潤爲$537,435,較去年同期的毛利潤-$66,127有了顯著的提高,毛利潤的增長歸因於與去年同期進行庫存減記的對比。本季度的營業費用爲$10.9M,比前年的$8.4M增加,主要是由於更高的股權補償費用和增加的銷售成本。本季度的淨虧損爲$7.5M,而去年第三季度的淨虧損爲$4.2M。本季度調整後的EBITDA損失爲$7.8M,而去年同期調整後的E...展開全部
LeddarTech Holdings Inc.(以下簡稱LeddarTech),一家專注於人工智能傳感器融合和感知技術的汽車軟件公司,發佈了截止2024年6月30日的第三財季財務報告。公司宣佈該季度營業收入爲$1.4M,與去年同期持平。該季度的毛利潤爲$537,435,較去年同期的毛利潤-$66,127有了顯著的提高,毛利潤的增長歸因於與去年同期進行庫存減記的對比。本季度的營業費用爲$10.9M,比前年的$8.4M增加,主要是由於更高的股權補償費用和增加的銷售成本。本季度的淨虧損爲$7.5M,而去年第三季度的淨虧損爲$4.2M。本季度調整後的EBITDA損失爲$7.8M,而去年同期調整後的EBITDA損失爲$5.3M。截至2024年6月30日,LeddarTech的現金餘額爲$5.7M。同時,LeddarTech還宣佈初步達成了一個橋式債務融資協議,金額達到了900萬美元,在尋求3500萬美元或更多的股權資本的同時,滿足短期債務。該橋式融資還需最終敲定明確的協議。


