
Marathon Digital | 8-K: Marathon Digital Holdings, Inc. Completes $300 Million Offering of 2.125% Convertible Senior Notes Due 2031, Purchases $249 Million of Bitcoin

Marathon Digital | 8-K: Marathon Digital Holdings, Inc. Completes $300 Million Offering of 2.125% Convertible Senior Notes Due 2031, Purchases $249 Million of Bitcoin

Marathon Digital | 8-K:Marathon Digital完成3億美元2031年到期2.125%可轉換優先票據發行,購買了2.49億美元比特幣
美股SEC公告 ·  08/15 05:31


On August 14, 2024, Marathon Digital Holdings, Inc. (Marathon Digital) successfully completed the sale of $300 million in 2.125% convertible senior notes due 2031. The offering, which was announced on August 12, 2024, was conducted as a private placement to qualified institutional buyers under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. The sale included an additional $50 million in notes issued following the full exercise of an option granted to initial purchasers, which was completed on the same day. Marathon Digital reported net proceeds of approximately $292.5 million after initial purchasers' discounts and commissions, excluding estimated offering expenses. The company has stated its intention to use the net proceeds to purchase additional bitcoin and for general corporate purposes, including working capital, strategic acquisitions, expansion of existing assets, and repayment of...Show More
On August 14, 2024, Marathon Digital Holdings, Inc. (Marathon Digital) successfully completed the sale of $300 million in 2.125% convertible senior notes due 2031. The offering, which was announced on August 12, 2024, was conducted as a private placement to qualified institutional buyers under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933. The sale included an additional $50 million in notes issued following the full exercise of an option granted to initial purchasers, which was completed on the same day. Marathon Digital reported net proceeds of approximately $292.5 million after initial purchasers' discounts and commissions, excluding estimated offering expenses. The company has stated its intention to use the net proceeds to purchase additional bitcoin and for general corporate purposes, including working capital, strategic acquisitions, expansion of existing assets, and repayment of debt. The notes, which are senior unsecured obligations, will bear interest semiannually and are set to mature on September 1, 2031, unless earlier converted, redeemed, or repurchased. The notes are convertible into Marathon Digital's common stock at an initial rate of 52.9451 shares per $1,000 principal amount, equivalent to an initial conversion price of approximately $18.89 per share. The company also disclosed the acquisition of approximately 4,144 bitcoins for $249 million, at an average price of $59,500 per bitcoin, funded by the proceeds from the note offering. The remaining proceeds are earmarked for further bitcoin acquisitions and corporate purposes.
2024年8月14日,Marathon Digital Holdings,Inc.(馬拉松數字)已成功完成2.125%可轉換優先票據私募銷售,總數爲3000萬美元,到期日爲2031年。該報價於2024年8月12日宣佈,是根據1933年證券法規定的144A規則向合格機構買家進行的私募。該銷售包括另外500萬美元的票據,這是授予首次購買者的期權完全行使後發行的,同一天完成。除預計發行費用外,馬拉松數字公司報告淨收益約爲2925萬美元,不包括首次購買者折扣和佣金。公司已聲明其意圖使用淨收益購買更多的比特幣,並用於一般公司目的,包括營運資本、戰略收購、現有資產的擴展及償還債務。這些票據是優先無擔保債務...展開全部
2024年8月14日,Marathon Digital Holdings,Inc.(馬拉松數字)已成功完成2.125%可轉換優先票據私募銷售,總數爲3000萬美元,到期日爲2031年。該報價於2024年8月12日宣佈,是根據1933年證券法規定的144A規則向合格機構買家進行的私募。該銷售包括另外500萬美元的票據,這是授予首次購買者的期權完全行使後發行的,同一天完成。除預計發行費用外,馬拉松數字公司報告淨收益約爲2925萬美元,不包括首次購買者折扣和佣金。公司已聲明其意圖使用淨收益購買更多的比特幣,並用於一般公司目的,包括營運資本、戰略收購、現有資產的擴展及償還債務。這些票據是優先無擔保債務,將半年付息,並定於2031年9月1日到期,除非較早轉換,贖回或回購。票據的初始轉換率爲每1000美元本金的52.9451股,相當於初始轉換價格約爲18.89美元每股。該公司還披露使用票據發行收益以2.495億美元購買了大約4,144個比特幣,平均每個比特幣59500美元的價格,其餘收益將用於進一步購買比特幣和公司目的。


