
10-Q: Quarterly report

10-Q: Quarterly report

美股SEC公告 ·  08/15 04:14
Infrared Cameras, now known as MultiSensor AI Holdings, Inc. (MSAI), reported a net revenue increase of 59% year-over-year for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, reaching $2.125 million compared to $1.337 million in the same period of 2023. The company's cost of goods sold decreased by 72% to $538,000, contributing to a gross margin improvement to approximately 75% from a negative 45% the previous year. However, MSAI experienced a net loss of $6.393 million, an 879% increase from the $653,000 loss in the prior year, primarily due to a significant rise in share-based compensation expense and other operating expenses. The company completed a public offering and private placement on July 1, 2024, raising a total of $26.5 million before expenses. MSAI also entered into an equity line of credit agreement with B...Show More
Infrared Cameras, now known as MultiSensor AI Holdings, Inc. (MSAI), reported a net revenue increase of 59% year-over-year for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, reaching $2.125 million compared to $1.337 million in the same period of 2023. The company's cost of goods sold decreased by 72% to $538,000, contributing to a gross margin improvement to approximately 75% from a negative 45% the previous year. However, MSAI experienced a net loss of $6.393 million, an 879% increase from the $653,000 loss in the prior year, primarily due to a significant rise in share-based compensation expense and other operating expenses. The company completed a public offering and private placement on July 1, 2024, raising a total of $26.5 million before expenses. MSAI also entered into an equity line of credit agreement with B. Riley Principal Capital II, allowing the sale of up to $25 million worth of common stock. The company's future plans include simplifying its capital structure and increasing stockholders' equity, as evidenced by recent conversions of financing notes and loan obligations into common stock, and the public and private offerings. MSAI's management has acknowledged the need for additional capital to finance future operations and has expressed substantial doubt about the company's ability to continue as a going concern without securing further financing.
多傳感器人工智能控股有限公司(MSAI)的紅外相機部門報告稱,截至2024年6月30日的季度淨營業收入同比增長59%,達到212.5萬美元,相較於2023年同期的133.7萬美元。公司的營業成本下降了72%,貢獻了毛利率的提升,從上一年的負45%上升至約75%。然而,由於股份補償支出和其他營業費用的顯著上升,MSAI的淨虧損爲639.3萬美元,比上一財年的653,000美元增加了879%。該公司於2024年7月1日完成了公開發行和定向增發,籌集了總計2650萬美元的資金,除去開支後剩餘。MSAI還與b. Riley Principal Capital II簽訂了股權信貸協議,允許出售高達250...展開全部
多傳感器人工智能控股有限公司(MSAI)的紅外相機部門報告稱,截至2024年6月30日的季度淨營業收入同比增長59%,達到212.5萬美元,相較於2023年同期的133.7萬美元。公司的營業成本下降了72%,貢獻了毛利率的提升,從上一年的負45%上升至約75%。然而,由於股份補償支出和其他營業費用的顯著上升,MSAI的淨虧損爲639.3萬美元,比上一財年的653,000美元增加了879%。該公司於2024年7月1日完成了公開發行和定向增發,籌集了總計2650萬美元的資金,除去開支後剩餘。MSAI還與b. Riley Principal Capital II簽訂了股權信貸協議,允許出售高達2500萬美元的普通股。該公司未來的計劃包括簡化其資本結構和增加股東權益,正如最近的融資票據和貸款義務轉換爲普通股以及定向增發和公開發行所證明的。MSAI的管理層已經認識到需要額外資本來資助未來的運營,並表示沒有獲得進一步融資將會對公司繼續作爲一個運營實體構成實質性的懷疑。


