
10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

美股SEC公告 ·  08/15 03:35
Aclarion, Inc., a healthcare technology company, reported financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. Revenue for the quarter was $10,971, a decrease from $17,072 in the same period last year. The company experienced a gross loss of $12,323 compared to a loss of $2,229 in the previous year, primarily due to the conclusion of certain clinical activities. Operating expenses totaled $1,123,238, with a decrease in general and administrative expenses from $946,175 to $696,099. The net loss for the quarter was $1,238,077, an improvement from a net loss of $1,464,557 in the prior year. The company's cash position, including restricted cash, was $1,182,687, which is expected to fund operations into the third quarter of 2024. Aclarion's future plans include raising additional funds to continue technology development, with management actively seeking funding options. The company's financial statements reflect the impact of a reverse stock split and the issuance of new shares through a public offering and an equity line agreement.
Aclarion, Inc., a healthcare technology company, reported financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. Revenue for the quarter was $10,971, a decrease from $17,072 in the same period last year. The company experienced a gross loss of $12,323 compared to a loss of $2,229 in the previous year, primarily due to the conclusion of certain clinical activities. Operating expenses totaled $1,123,238, with a decrease in general and administrative expenses from $946,175 to $696,099. The net loss for the quarter was $1,238,077, an improvement from a net loss of $1,464,557 in the prior year. The company's cash position, including restricted cash, was $1,182,687, which is expected to fund operations into the third quarter of 2024. Aclarion's future plans include raising additional funds to continue technology development, with management actively seeking funding options. The company's financial statements reflect the impact of a reverse stock split and the issuance of new shares through a public offering and an equity line agreement.
一家醫療科技公司Aclarion, Inc.報告了2024年6月30日結束的季度的財務狀況。本季度的營業收入爲10,971美元,與去年同期的17,072美元相比有所下降。該公司本季度經營虧損12,323美元,與上一年的2,229美元相比虧損加劇,主要原因是某些臨床活動的結束。營業費用總計1,123,238美元,其中管理和行政費用從946,175美元降至696,099美元。本季度的淨虧損爲1,238,077美元,較上一財年的淨虧損1,464,557美元有所改善。該公司的現金位置,包括限制性現金,爲1,182,687美元,預計可支持至2024年第三季度的運營。Aclarion的未來計劃包括籌集額外資金以繼續科技開發,並積極尋找融資選項。該公司的財務報表反映了限制性股票拆分的影響以及通過公開發行和股權管線協議發行新股。
一家醫療科技公司Aclarion, Inc.報告了2024年6月30日結束的季度的財務狀況。本季度的營業收入爲10,971美元,與去年同期的17,072美元相比有所下降。該公司本季度經營虧損12,323美元,與上一年的2,229美元相比虧損加劇,主要原因是某些臨床活動的結束。營業費用總計1,123,238美元,其中管理和行政費用從946,175美元降至696,099美元。本季度的淨虧損爲1,238,077美元,較上一財年的淨虧損1,464,557美元有所改善。該公司的現金位置,包括限制性現金,爲1,182,687美元,預計可支持至2024年第三季度的運營。Aclarion的未來計劃包括籌集額外資金以繼續科技開發,並積極尋找融資選項。該公司的財務報表反映了限制性股票拆分的影響以及通過公開發行和股權管線協議發行新股。


