
8-K: Nauticus Robotics Announces Results for the Second Quarter of 2024

8-K: Nauticus Robotics Announces Results for the Second Quarter of 2024

8-K:Nauticus Robotics 公佈2024年第二季度業績
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/08/14 18:07


Nauticus Robotics reported Q2 2024 revenue of $0.5M, down from $1.1M YoY, with a net loss of $5.4M. The company successfully completed Phase I of a program for Brazil's largest offshore producer, with billing and collection completed. Operating expenses decreased to $6.5M, a $1.5M reduction YoY.The company's flagship Aquanaut Mark 2 (Vehicle 2) underwent planned maintenance before testing at Florida Atlantic University, with Louisiana deployment planned this month. Vehicle 1 is undergoing deepwater electronics upgrades, while Vehicle 3 assembly remains pending. The FAU partnership enables cost-effective testing compared to Gulf of Mexico operations.As of June 30, 2024, cash and equivalents stood at $8.1M, up from $0.8M at 2023 year-end. The company secured additional financing through $1M in debt and raised $9.4M via an at-the-market equity offering. Management expects to complete Phase II without additional deepwater tests and execute significant portions of Phase III in the Gulf of Mexico this year.
Nauticus Robotics reported Q2 2024 revenue of $0.5M, down from $1.1M YoY, with a net loss of $5.4M. The company successfully completed Phase I of a program for Brazil's largest offshore producer, with billing and collection completed. Operating expenses decreased to $6.5M, a $1.5M reduction YoY.The company's flagship Aquanaut Mark 2 (Vehicle 2) underwent planned maintenance before testing at Florida Atlantic University, with Louisiana deployment planned this month. Vehicle 1 is undergoing deepwater electronics upgrades, while Vehicle 3 assembly remains pending. The FAU partnership enables cost-effective testing compared to Gulf of Mexico operations.As of June 30, 2024, cash and equivalents stood at $8.1M, up from $0.8M at 2023 year-end. The company secured additional financing through $1M in debt and raised $9.4M via an at-the-market equity offering. Management expects to complete Phase II without additional deepwater tests and execute significant portions of Phase III in the Gulf of Mexico this year.
Nauticus 機器人報告稱,2024 年第二季度的營業收入爲 50萬美元,同比下降 110萬美元,淨虧損爲 540萬美元。該公司成功完成了爲巴西最大離岸生產商的項目第一階段,賬單和收款工作已完成。營業費用下降至 650萬美元,同比減少 150萬美元。該公司的旗艦產品水下機器人Aquanaut Mark 2(設備2)在佛羅里達大西洋大學進行測試前進行了計劃維護,計劃本月在路易斯安那州部署。設備1正在進行深水電子設備升級,而設備3的組裝仍待完成。FAU合作伙伴關係使得測試成本更具優勢,相較於墨西哥灣的操作。截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日,現金及現金等價物爲 810萬美元,較 2023 年年末的 80萬美元增加。公司通過 100萬美元的債務獲得了額外融資,並通過市場募集了 940萬美元的股權融資。管理層預計將無需額外的深水測試即可完成第二階段,並將在今年在墨西哥灣執行第三階段的重大部分。
Nauticus 機器人報告稱,2024 年第二季度的營業收入爲 50萬美元,同比下降 110萬美元,淨虧損爲 540萬美元。該公司成功完成了爲巴西最大離岸生產商的項目第一階段,賬單和收款工作已完成。營業費用下降至 650萬美元,同比減少 150萬美元。該公司的旗艦產品水下機器人Aquanaut Mark 2(設備2)在佛羅里達大西洋大學進行測試前進行了計劃維護,計劃本月在路易斯安那州部署。設備1正在進行深水電子設備升級,而設備3的組裝仍待完成。FAU合作伙伴關係使得測試成本更具優勢,相較於墨西哥灣的操作。截至 2024 年 6 月 30 日,現金及現金等價物爲 810萬美元,較 2023 年年末的 80萬美元增加。公司通過 100萬美元的債務獲得了額外融資,並通過市場募集了 940萬美元的股權融資。管理層預計將無需額外的深水測試即可完成第二階段,並將在今年在墨西哥灣執行第三階段的重大部分。


