
Maison Solutions | 10-K: FY2024 Annual Report

Maison Solutions | 10-K: FY2024 Annual Report

Maison Solutions | 10-K:2024財年年報
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/08/14 04:48


Maison Solutions Inc. reported fiscal year 2024 revenue of $58.0 million, a 4.8% increase from $55.4 million in FY2023, driven by the acquisition of Lee Lee supermarkets and increased sales from Maison Monterey Park. However, the company recorded a net loss of $3.3 million compared to net income of $1.3 million in the prior year, primarily due to increased operating expenses and reduced other income.Operating expenses rose 15.8% to $14.3 million, mainly due to higher payroll costs, utilities, and advertising expenses. Gross margin declined to 20.0% from 22.5% in FY2023 due to increased inventory write-offs and higher occupancy costs. The company completed strategic acquisitions including Lee Lee Oriental Supermart for $22.2 million in April 2024, adding three stores in Arizona.The company strengthened its market position through successful IPO and PIPE offerings, raising net proceeds of approximately $13.3 million. Management continues to focus on expanding its center-satellite store network, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing its digital capabilities through partnership with, despite facing challenges from increased competition and inflationary pressures.
Maison Solutions Inc. reported fiscal year 2024 revenue of $58.0 million, a 4.8% increase from $55.4 million in FY2023, driven by the acquisition of Lee Lee supermarkets and increased sales from Maison Monterey Park. However, the company recorded a net loss of $3.3 million compared to net income of $1.3 million in the prior year, primarily due to increased operating expenses and reduced other income.Operating expenses rose 15.8% to $14.3 million, mainly due to higher payroll costs, utilities, and advertising expenses. Gross margin declined to 20.0% from 22.5% in FY2023 due to increased inventory write-offs and higher occupancy costs. The company completed strategic acquisitions including Lee Lee Oriental Supermart for $22.2 million in April 2024, adding three stores in Arizona.The company strengthened its market position through successful IPO and PIPE offerings, raising net proceeds of approximately $13.3 million. Management continues to focus on expanding its center-satellite store network, improving operational efficiency, and enhancing its digital capabilities through partnership with, despite facing challenges from increased competition and inflationary pressures.
Maison Solutions Inc.報告2024財政年度營業收入爲5800萬,較2023財政年度的5540萬增長4.8%,這得益於收購李李超市和Maison Monterey Park的銷售增長。然而,公司錄得淨虧損330萬,而去年同期凈利潤爲130萬,主要是由於營業費用增加和其他收入減少。營業費用上漲15.8%至1430萬,主要由於人力成本、水電費和廣告費用的增加。毛利率從2023財政年度的22.5%下降至20.0%,這主要是由於庫存減值和更高的租賃費用。公司在2024年4月完成了對李李東方超市2220萬的戰略收購,增加了亞利桑那州的三家門店。公司通過成功的首次公開募股和PIPE發行增強了市場地位,籌集了約1330萬的淨收入。儘管面臨增加的競爭和通貨膨脹壓力,管理層仍繼續專注於擴大中心-衛星店網絡、提高運營效率,並通過與京東的合作增強其數字能力。
Maison Solutions Inc.報告2024財政年度營業收入爲5800萬,較2023財政年度的5540萬增長4.8%,這得益於收購李李超市和Maison Monterey Park的銷售增長。然而,公司錄得淨虧損330萬,而去年同期凈利潤爲130萬,主要是由於營業費用增加和其他收入減少。營業費用上漲15.8%至1430萬,主要由於人力成本、水電費和廣告費用的增加。毛利率從2023財政年度的22.5%下降至20.0%,這主要是由於庫存減值和更高的租賃費用。公司在2024年4月完成了對李李東方超市2220萬的戰略收購,增加了亞利桑那州的三家門店。公司通過成功的首次公開募股和PIPE發行增強了市場地位,籌集了約1330萬的淨收入。儘管面臨增加的競爭和通貨膨脹壓力,管理層仍繼續專注於擴大中心-衛星店網絡、提高運營效率,並通過與京東的合作增強其數字能力。


