
iRobot | 8-K/A: Current report (Amendment)

iRobot | 8-K/A: Current report (Amendment)

iRobot | 8-K/A:重大事件(修正)
美股SEC公告 ·  08/14 04:11
iRobot Corporation, a company listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the trading symbol IRBT, filed an amendment to its Current Report on Form 8-K/A with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The amendment, dated August 13, 2024, supplements the original report filed on June 13, 2024, by providing additional information about the committee assignments for Julien Mininberg, who was appointed as a new Class II director on the same date. The Board of Directors has now appointed Mr. Mininberg to serve on the Audit Committee and the Compensation and Talent Committee. This amendment does not alter any other information or disclosures from the original report.
iRobot Corporation, a company listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the trading symbol IRBT, filed an amendment to its Current Report on Form 8-K/A with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The amendment, dated August 13, 2024, supplements the original report filed on June 13, 2024, by providing additional information about the committee assignments for Julien Mininberg, who was appointed as a new Class II director on the same date. The Board of Directors has now appointed Mr. Mininberg to serve on the Audit Committee and the Compensation and Talent Committee. This amendment does not alter any other information or disclosures from the original report.
iRobot公司是一家在納斯達克證券交易所上市的公司,交易標的爲IRBt。2024年8月13日,該公司向美國證券交易委員會提交了一份關於其當前8-K/A表格的修正案。該修正案補充了2024年6月13日提交的原始報告,爲新任命的第二類董事Julien Mininberg的委員會分配提供了額外信息。董事會現已指定Mininberg先生擔任審核委員會和薪酬與人才委員會成員。該修正案不會修改原始報告中的任何其他信息或披露。
iRobot公司是一家在納斯達克證券交易所上市的公司,交易標的爲IRBt。2024年8月13日,該公司向美國證券交易委員會提交了一份關於其當前8-K/A表格的修正案。該修正案補充了2024年6月13日提交的原始報告,爲新任命的第二類董事Julien Mininberg的委員會分配提供了額外信息。董事會現已指定Mininberg先生擔任審核委員會和薪酬與人才委員會成員。該修正案不會修改原始報告中的任何其他信息或披露。


