
iRobot | 8-K: Current report

iRobot | 8-K: Current report

iRobot | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  08/14 04:10
On August 12, 2024, iRobot Corporation, known for its consumer robots, announced the appointment of Michael J. Loparco to its board of directors. Loparco, with over 25 years of experience in global technology leadership, including consumer products and smart home innovation, was appointed as a Class I director following the recommendation of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. His previous roles include CEO of Symbotic and leadership positions at Jabil Inc. Loparco will also serve on the compensation and talent committee and will receive a pro rata portion of the annual grant of restricted stock units for non-employee directors under the company's 2018 Stock Option and Incentive Plan. The company issued a press release on the same day to announce his election to the board. Loparco's appointment is expected to bring valuable experience to iRobot as it continues to progress on its transformation and strategic initiatives.
On August 12, 2024, iRobot Corporation, known for its consumer robots, announced the appointment of Michael J. Loparco to its board of directors. Loparco, with over 25 years of experience in global technology leadership, including consumer products and smart home innovation, was appointed as a Class I director following the recommendation of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. His previous roles include CEO of Symbotic and leadership positions at Jabil Inc. Loparco will also serve on the compensation and talent committee and will receive a pro rata portion of the annual grant of restricted stock units for non-employee directors under the company's 2018 Stock Option and Incentive Plan. The company issued a press release on the same day to announce his election to the board. Loparco's appointment is expected to bring valuable experience to iRobot as it continues to progress on its transformation and strategic initiatives.
2024年8月12日,以消費者機器人著稱的irobot公司宣佈任命邁克爾·j·洛帕科(Michael J. Loparco)爲其董事會成員。洛帕科在全球科技領域擁有超過25年的經驗,包括消費品和智能家居的創新,經提名和企業治理委員會推薦,被任命爲一級董事。他此前擔任Symbotic的首席執行官,並在Jabil Inc.擔任領導職務。洛帕科還將擔任薪酬和人才委員會委員,並根據公司的2018年股票期權和激勵計劃,獲得非員工董事限制性股票單元年度撥款的按比例部分。公司於當天發表新聞發佈稿,宣佈他當選爲董事會成員。洛帕科的任命預計將爲irobot帶來寶貴的經驗,因爲它繼續推進轉型和戰略計劃。
2024年8月12日,以消費者機器人著稱的irobot公司宣佈任命邁克爾·j·洛帕科(Michael J. Loparco)爲其董事會成員。洛帕科在全球科技領域擁有超過25年的經驗,包括消費品和智能家居的創新,經提名和企業治理委員會推薦,被任命爲一級董事。他此前擔任Symbotic的首席執行官,並在Jabil Inc.擔任領導職務。洛帕科還將擔任薪酬和人才委員會委員,並根據公司的2018年股票期權和激勵計劃,獲得非員工董事限制性股票單元年度撥款的按比例部分。公司於當天發表新聞發佈稿,宣佈他當選爲董事會成員。洛帕科的任命預計將爲irobot帶來寶貴的經驗,因爲它繼續推進轉型和戰略計劃。


