
10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

美股SEC公告 ·  08/12 21:20
XBP Europe Holdings, a pan-European integrator of bills, payments, and related solutions, reported a decrease in net revenue for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. The company's net revenue declined by 14.8% to $36.1 million from $42.4 million in the same quarter of the previous year. The Bills & Payments segment saw a 9.6% decrease in revenue, while the Technology segment experienced a 27.6% drop. The cost of revenue also decreased by 3.9%, and selling, general, and administrative expenses fell by 15.6%. Despite these reductions, the company reported a net loss of $4.7 million, compared to a net loss of $558,000 in the prior year's quarter. The company attributes the revenue decline to the completion of projects, lower volumes, and client contract ends, partially offset by new business wins...Show More
XBP Europe Holdings, a pan-European integrator of bills, payments, and related solutions, reported a decrease in net revenue for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. The company's net revenue declined by 14.8% to $36.1 million from $42.4 million in the same quarter of the previous year. The Bills & Payments segment saw a 9.6% decrease in revenue, while the Technology segment experienced a 27.6% drop. The cost of revenue also decreased by 3.9%, and selling, general, and administrative expenses fell by 15.6%. Despite these reductions, the company reported a net loss of $4.7 million, compared to a net loss of $558,000 in the prior year's quarter. The company attributes the revenue decline to the completion of projects, lower volumes, and client contract ends, partially offset by new business wins. XBP Europe Holdings continues to focus on digital transformation, offering a suite of products and services that support remote work and digital finance and accounting solutions. Looking ahead, the company expects to spend $1.5 to $2.5 million on capital expenditures over the next twelve months and has drawn on a new credit facility to repay existing indebtedness. The company believes its current cash, cash equivalents, and cash flows from financing activities will meet working capital and capital expenditure requirements for at least the next twelve months.
歐洲業務整合公司XBP Europe Holdings報告稱,截至2024年6月30日的季度淨營業收入下降。公司淨營業收入從去年同季度的4240萬美元下降了14.8%,至3610萬美元。票據和支付業務部門營收下降了9.6%,而科技部門則下降了27.6%。成本下降了3.9%,銷售、普通及管理費用下降了15.6%。儘管有這些減少,公司報告淨虧損470萬美元,而去年同期淨虧損爲55.8萬美元。公司將營收下降歸因於項目的完成、低容量和客戶合同終止,部分抵消了新業務的贏得。XBP Europe Holdings繼續專注於數字轉型,提供一系列支持遠程辦公概念、數字金融及會計解決方案的產品和服務。展望未來,公司預計在未來12個月內將進行150萬至250萬美元的資本支出,並已利用新的授信額度償還現有債務。公司認爲其目前的現金、現金等價物、融資活動現金流量將至少滿足未來12個月的營運資本和資本支出需求。
歐洲業務整合公司XBP Europe Holdings報告稱,截至2024年6月30日的季度淨營業收入下降。公司淨營業收入從去年同季度的4240萬美元下降了14.8%,至3610萬美元。票據和支付業務部門營收下降了9.6%,而科技部門則下降了27.6%。成本下降了3.9%,銷售、普通及管理費用下降了15.6%。儘管有這些減少,公司報告淨虧損470萬美元,而去年同期淨虧損爲55.8萬美元。公司將營收下降歸因於項目的完成、低容量和客戶合同終止,部分抵消了新業務的贏得。XBP Europe Holdings繼續專注於數字轉型,提供一系列支持遠程辦公概念、數字金融及會計解決方案的產品和服務。展望未來,公司預計在未來12個月內將進行150萬至250萬美元的資本支出,並已利用新的授信額度償還現有債務。公司認爲其目前的現金、現金等價物、融資活動現金流量將至少滿足未來12個月的營運資本和資本支出需求。


