
Nikola | 10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

Nikola | 10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

Nikola | 10-Q:2024財年二季報
美股SEC公告 ·  08/09 23:32
Nikola Corporation, a technology innovator and integrator focused on decarbonizing the trucking industry, reported financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. The company's net loss from continuing operations narrowed to $133.7 million from $140.0 million in the same period last year, with a basic and diluted net loss per share of $2.86 compared to $5.93. Revenue from truck sales increased by 139% year-over-year to $28.7 million, driven by 72 Tre FCEV shipments. However, service and other revenues decreased by 23% to $2.6 million. The company's gross loss widened by 98% to $54.7 million, and total operating expenses decreased by 46% to $76.4 million. Nikola's cash and cash equivalents stood at $256.3 million as of June 30, 2024. The company's business development included entering into a fuel cell power module license...Show More
Nikola Corporation, a technology innovator and integrator focused on decarbonizing the trucking industry, reported financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. The company's net loss from continuing operations narrowed to $133.7 million from $140.0 million in the same period last year, with a basic and diluted net loss per share of $2.86 compared to $5.93. Revenue from truck sales increased by 139% year-over-year to $28.7 million, driven by 72 Tre FCEV shipments. However, service and other revenues decreased by 23% to $2.6 million. The company's gross loss widened by 98% to $54.7 million, and total operating expenses decreased by 46% to $76.4 million. Nikola's cash and cash equivalents stood at $256.3 million as of June 30, 2024. The company's business development included entering into a fuel cell power module license and an arrangement with a finance company for floor plan financing to its dealers. Nikola also announced a voluntary recall of its BEV trucks and plans to retrofit them with alternative battery packs. The company's future plans involve commercializing heavy-duty trucks, expanding manufacturing facilities, investing in hydrogen fueling infrastructure, and developing technology partnerships. Nikola's short-term liquidity is expected to fund operations into the fourth quarter of 2024, with capital expenditures estimated at approximately $60.0 million for the remainder of the fiscal year.
致力於減少貨車運輸領域二氧化碳排放的科技創新和整合公司Nikola Corporation報告了截至2024年6月30日的季度財務業績。作爲持續業務的淨損失從去年同期的1.4億美元縮減至1.337億美元,每股基本淨損失和每股攤薄淨損失相比爲2.86美元和5.93美元。卡車銷售收入同比增長139%,達到了2,870萬美元,其中72台Tre FCEV的出貨量推動了收入的增長,但服務和其他收入下降了23%至260萬美元。公司的毛利損失擴大了98%,達到了5,470萬美元,而總營業費用降低了46%,達到了7.64億美元。截至2024年6月30日,Nikola的現金及現金等價物爲256.3億美元。該公司...展開全部
致力於減少貨車運輸領域二氧化碳排放的科技創新和整合公司Nikola Corporation報告了截至2024年6月30日的季度財務業績。作爲持續業務的淨損失從去年同期的1.4億美元縮減至1.337億美元,每股基本淨損失和每股攤薄淨損失相比爲2.86美元和5.93美元。卡車銷售收入同比增長139%,達到了2,870萬美元,其中72台Tre FCEV的出貨量推動了收入的增長,但服務和其他收入下降了23%至260萬美元。公司的毛利損失擴大了98%,達到了5,470萬美元,而總營業費用降低了46%,達到了7.64億美元。截至2024年6月30日,Nikola的現金及現金等價物爲256.3億美元。該公司的業務發展包括與一家燃料電池動力模塊許可及金融公司達成營銷計劃以向經銷商提供庫存融資。 Nikola 還宣佈了其電動輕型卡車的自願召回,並計劃使用替代電池組對車輛進行改裝。公司的未來計劃包括商品化重型卡車、擴大製造工廠、投資氫燃料基礎設施、開發技術合作夥伴關係。 Nikola短期流動性預計可以在2024年第四季度實現運營資金,本財年剩餘的資本支出約爲6000萬美元。


