
DEFA14A: Others

DEFA14A: Others

美股SEC公告 ·  08/09 18:27


Signing Day Sports, Inc. has announced the availability of proxy materials for its upcoming Annual Meeting of Stockholders scheduled for September 18, 2024. The meeting will take place at 10:00 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time at 8355 East Hartford Rd., Suite 100, Scottsdale, Arizona. Stockholders as of the record date, July 22, 2024, are entitled to vote at the meeting. The agenda includes the election of five board of directors nominees, ratification of the company's independent accounting firm, approval of common stock issuance pursuant to agreements with FirstFire Global Opportunities Fund, LLC, and approval of the Amended and Restated 2022 Equity Incentive Plan. Proxy materials are accessible online, and stockholders may request paper or email copies or submit their voting instructions via the internet until 8:59 P.M. PDT on September 17, 2024. The Board of Directors recommends voting 'FOR' all the proposals listed.
Signing Day Sports, Inc. has announced the availability of proxy materials for its upcoming Annual Meeting of Stockholders scheduled for September 18, 2024. The meeting will take place at 10:00 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time at 8355 East Hartford Rd., Suite 100, Scottsdale, Arizona. Stockholders as of the record date, July 22, 2024, are entitled to vote at the meeting. The agenda includes the election of five board of directors nominees, ratification of the company's independent accounting firm, approval of common stock issuance pursuant to agreements with FirstFire Global Opportunities Fund, LLC, and approval of the Amended and Restated 2022 Equity Incentive Plan. Proxy materials are accessible online, and stockholders may request paper or email copies or submit their voting instructions via the internet until 8:59 P.M. PDT on September 17, 2024. The Board of Directors recommends voting 'FOR' all the proposals listed.
Signing Day Sports公司已宣佈,其即將於2024年9月18日舉行股東年度會議的代理材料已經公佈。會議將於太平洋日光時間上午10點在亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾市東哈特福德路8355號100號套房舉行。截至2024年7月22日的權益登記日的股東有權在會議上投票。議程包括選舉五位董事候選人,審查公司獨立會計師的任命,根據與FirstFire Global Opportunities Fund,LLC的協議批准普通股發行以及批准修改和重新修訂的2022股權激勵計劃。代理材料可以在線上獲取,股東可以通過互聯網請求紙質或電子副本或提交其投票指示,截至2024年9月17日晚上8:59 PDT。董事會推薦投票支持所有提案。
Signing Day Sports公司已宣佈,其即將於2024年9月18日舉行股東年度會議的代理材料已經公佈。會議將於太平洋日光時間上午10點在亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾市東哈特福德路8355號100號套房舉行。截至2024年7月22日的權益登記日的股東有權在會議上投票。議程包括選舉五位董事候選人,審查公司獨立會計師的任命,根據與FirstFire Global Opportunities Fund,LLC的協議批准普通股發行以及批准修改和重新修訂的2022股權激勵計劃。代理材料可以在線上獲取,股東可以通過互聯網請求紙質或電子副本或提交其投票指示,截至2024年9月17日晚上8:59 PDT。董事會推薦投票支持所有提案。


