
iRobot | S-8: Initial registration statement for securities to be offered to employees pursuant to employee benefit plans

iRobot | S-8: Initial registration statement for securities to be offered to employees pursuant to employee benefit plans

iRobot | S-8:員工福利計劃證券登記
美股SEC公告 ·  08/08 05:17
On August 7, 2024, iRobot Corporation, a company incorporated in Delaware, filed a Registration Statement on Form S-8 with the Securities and Exchange Commission. This filing was for the purpose of registering 370,500 shares of common stock as part of inducement awards for Jeff Engel, who accepted employment with iRobot. The inducement awards consist of performance-based and time-based restricted stock units (RSUs) and are not part of the company's 2018 Stock Option and Incentive Plan. Instead, they are issued under the NASDAQ inducement grant exception. The performance-based RSUs will vest based on the achievement of specific stock price milestones over a four-year period, while the time-based RSUs will vest according to a set schedule. The shares are subject to certain conditions, including continued employment and performance criteria.
On August 7, 2024, iRobot Corporation, a company incorporated in Delaware, filed a Registration Statement on Form S-8 with the Securities and Exchange Commission. This filing was for the purpose of registering 370,500 shares of common stock as part of inducement awards for Jeff Engel, who accepted employment with iRobot. The inducement awards consist of performance-based and time-based restricted stock units (RSUs) and are not part of the company's 2018 Stock Option and Incentive Plan. Instead, they are issued under the NASDAQ inducement grant exception. The performance-based RSUs will vest based on the achievement of specific stock price milestones over a four-year period, while the time-based RSUs will vest according to a set schedule. The shares are subject to certain conditions, including continued employment and performance criteria.
2024年8月7日,iRobot公司在特拉華州註冊成立,向證券交易委員會提交了S-8表格的註冊聲明。此次申請是爲了註冊370,500股普通股,作爲吸引Jeff Engel加入iRobot時的激勵獎勵。這些激勵獎勵包括基於績效和時間的限制性股票單位(RSUs),不屬於公司2018年股票期權和激勵計劃的一部分。相反,它們是在納斯達克激勵獎勵授權例外下發行的。基於績效的RSUs將根據四年內特定股價里程碑的實現而歸屬,而基於時間的RSUs將根據設定的時間表歸屬。這些股票受到某些條件的限制,包括持續就業和績效標準。
2024年8月7日,iRobot公司在特拉華州註冊成立,向證券交易委員會提交了S-8表格的註冊聲明。此次申請是爲了註冊370,500股普通股,作爲吸引Jeff Engel加入iRobot時的激勵獎勵。這些激勵獎勵包括基於績效和時間的限制性股票單位(RSUs),不屬於公司2018年股票期權和激勵計劃的一部分。相反,它們是在納斯達克激勵獎勵授權例外下發行的。基於績效的RSUs將根據四年內特定股價里程碑的實現而歸屬,而基於時間的RSUs將根據設定的時間表歸屬。這些股票受到某些條件的限制,包括持續就業和績效標準。


