
CleanSpark | 8-K: Current report

CleanSpark | 8-K: Current report

CleanSpark | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  08/06 04:53
On August 2, 2024, CleanSpark, Inc., a Nevada-based company, filed a Form 8-K with the SEC, reporting the amendment and restatement of a Credit Agreement originally dated June 26, 2024. The amendment introduces a new $40 million Delayed Draw Facility to the existing term loan of approximately $55.9 million provided to GRIID Infrastructure Inc. The first draw of $5 million from this facility occurred on August 5, 2024. The maturity date for all loans under this agreement is set for June 26, 2025, or 90 days following the termination of a specified merger agreement. The loans bear an interest rate of 8.5% per annum, with standard terms including representations, warranties, covenants, and events of default. The full text of the Credit Agreement has been filed with the SEC as Exhibit 10.1. This announcement also includes forward-looking statements regarding the proposed business combination between CleanSpark and GRIID, highlighting potential benefits, synergies, and the anticipated impact on the combined company's operations and financial results.
On August 2, 2024, CleanSpark, Inc., a Nevada-based company, filed a Form 8-K with the SEC, reporting the amendment and restatement of a Credit Agreement originally dated June 26, 2024. The amendment introduces a new $40 million Delayed Draw Facility to the existing term loan of approximately $55.9 million provided to GRIID Infrastructure Inc. The first draw of $5 million from this facility occurred on August 5, 2024. The maturity date for all loans under this agreement is set for June 26, 2025, or 90 days following the termination of a specified merger agreement. The loans bear an interest rate of 8.5% per annum, with standard terms including representations, warranties, covenants, and events of default. The full text of the Credit Agreement has been filed with the SEC as Exhibit 10.1. This announcement also includes forward-looking statements regarding the proposed business combination between CleanSpark and GRIID, highlighting potential benefits, synergies, and the anticipated impact on the combined company's operations and financial results.
2024年8月2日,總部位於內華達州的cleanspark公司向美國證券交易委員會提交了8-k表格,報告修訂和重據原定於2024年6月26日的信貸協議。該修訂引入了一項新的4,000萬美元延遲提款融資,用於向GRIID Infrastructure Inc提供的約5,590萬美元的現有貸款。此融資的第一次提款於2024年8月5日發生。該協議下所有貸款的到期日設定爲2025年6月26日,或者根據特定合併協議的終止後90天。貸款利率爲每年8.5%,標準條款包括承諾、擔保、契約和違約事件。信貸協議的全文已作爲10.1展覽提交給美國證券交易委員會。此公告還包括有關cleanspark與GRIID之間擬議商業組合的前瞻性聲明,強調潛在的利益、協同效應以及對合並後公司的運營和財務結果的預期影響。
2024年8月2日,總部位於內華達州的cleanspark公司向美國證券交易委員會提交了8-k表格,報告修訂和重據原定於2024年6月26日的信貸協議。該修訂引入了一項新的4,000萬美元延遲提款融資,用於向GRIID Infrastructure Inc提供的約5,590萬美元的現有貸款。此融資的第一次提款於2024年8月5日發生。該協議下所有貸款的到期日設定爲2025年6月26日,或者根據特定合併協議的終止後90天。貸款利率爲每年8.5%,標準條款包括承諾、擔保、契約和違約事件。信貸協議的全文已作爲10.1展覽提交給美國證券交易委員會。此公告還包括有關cleanspark與GRIID之間擬議商業組合的前瞻性聲明,強調潛在的利益、協同效應以及對合並後公司的運營和財務結果的預期影響。


