
Uber Technologies | 8-K: Tony West, Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary of the Company, Plans to Take a Temporary Leave of bsence without Pay Effective August 17, 2024

Uber Technologies | 8-K: Tony West, Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary of the Company, Plans to Take a Temporary Leave of bsence without Pay Effective August 17, 2024

優步 | 8-K:公司高級副總裁、首席法務官兼公司秘書Tony West計劃自2024年8月17日起暫時停薪休假
美股SEC公告 ·  08/03 04:45
Uber Technologies, Inc. has announced that Tony West, the company's Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Corporate Secretary, will commence a temporary unpaid leave of absence starting August 17, 2024. West is taking this leave to volunteer on a political campaign in a personal capacity. During his absence, Katie Waitzman, currently the Chief Deputy General Counsel, will take over West's General Counsel duties, and Elizabeth Coleman, the Deputy General Counsel and Deputy Corporate Secretary, will assume his Corporate Secretary responsibilities. The company has included forward-looking statements in its Form 8-K filing, cautioning that actual results may differ from predictions and should not be seen as an indication of future performance. These statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including competition, growth management, financial performance, and legal and regulatory developments.
Uber Technologies, Inc. has announced that Tony West, the company's Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, and Corporate Secretary, will commence a temporary unpaid leave of absence starting August 17, 2024. West is taking this leave to volunteer on a political campaign in a personal capacity. During his absence, Katie Waitzman, currently the Chief Deputy General Counsel, will take over West's General Counsel duties, and Elizabeth Coleman, the Deputy General Counsel and Deputy Corporate Secretary, will assume his Corporate Secretary responsibilities. The company has included forward-looking statements in its Form 8-K filing, cautioning that actual results may differ from predictions and should not be seen as an indication of future performance. These statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including competition, growth management, financial performance, and legal and regulatory developments.
Uber Technologies, Inc.宣佈,公司高級副總裁,首席法律官和公司秘書Tony West將於2024年8月17日開始臨時無薪休假,以個人名義參加政治競選活動。在他離開期間,現任首席副總法律顧問Katie Waitzman將接替West的總法律顧問職責,副總法律顧問兼副公司秘書Elizabeth Coleman將負責完成其公司秘書職責。該公司已在其提交的8-k表格中包含前瞻性聲明,警告實際結果可能與預測不同,並不應被視爲未來業績的指示。這些陳述受到各種風險和不確定因素的影響,包括競爭,增長管理,財務表現和法律和監管發展。
Uber Technologies, Inc.宣佈,公司高級副總裁,首席法律官和公司秘書Tony West將於2024年8月17日開始臨時無薪休假,以個人名義參加政治競選活動。在他離開期間,現任首席副總法律顧問Katie Waitzman將接替West的總法律顧問職責,副總法律顧問兼副公司秘書Elizabeth Coleman將負責完成其公司秘書職責。該公司已在其提交的8-k表格中包含前瞻性聲明,警告實際結果可能與預測不同,並不應被視爲未來業績的指示。這些陳述受到各種風險和不確定因素的影響,包括競爭,增長管理,財務表現和法律和監管發展。


