
Riot Platforms | 10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

Riot Platforms | 10-Q: Q2 2024 Earnings Report

Riot Platforms | 10-Q:2024財年二季報
美股SEC公告 ·  08/01 05:16


Riot Platforms, Inc., a vertically-integrated Bitcoin mining company, reported its financial performance for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. The company's total revenue for the quarter was $70.0 million, a decrease from $76.7 million in the same period the previous year. The Bitcoin Mining segment's revenue increased to $55.8 million, up from $49.7 million, primarily due to higher Bitcoin prices, despite a decrease in the number of Bitcoin mined due to increased network difficulty and the April 2024 halving. Engineering revenue decreased to $9.6 million from $19.3 million, attributed to supply chain constraints. The company's segment gross profit was $17.1 million, up from $12.9 million in the previous year. However, Riot Platforms experienced a net loss before taxes of $84.4 million for the quarter, compared to a loss...Show More
Riot Platforms, Inc., a vertically-integrated Bitcoin mining company, reported its financial performance for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. The company's total revenue for the quarter was $70.0 million, a decrease from $76.7 million in the same period the previous year. The Bitcoin Mining segment's revenue increased to $55.8 million, up from $49.7 million, primarily due to higher Bitcoin prices, despite a decrease in the number of Bitcoin mined due to increased network difficulty and the April 2024 halving. Engineering revenue decreased to $9.6 million from $19.3 million, attributed to supply chain constraints. The company's segment gross profit was $17.1 million, up from $12.9 million in the previous year. However, Riot Platforms experienced a net loss before taxes of $84.4 million for the quarter, compared to a loss of $27.3 million in the same period last year, largely due to a $76.4 million loss in the fair value of Bitcoin. For the six months ended June 30, 2024, the company reported a net income of $127.3 million, including non-cash gains from the change in fair value of Bitcoin and other investments. Riot Platforms continues to expand its mining operations, with a total deployed hash rate capacity of approximately 22.0 EH/s as of June 30, 2024, and anticipates achieving 36.3 EH/s by the end of the year. The company also completed the acquisition of Block Mining, adding to its operational capacity. Riot Platforms has ceased its Data Center Hosting operations to focus on self-mining efforts and has no plans to offer these services to new customers. The company's future plans include further development of its Corsicana Facility and strategic growth initiatives to capitalize on industry consolidation.
比特幣整合型礦業公司riot platforms公佈了截止到2024年6月30日的季度財務業績。該公司本季度總營業收入爲7000萬美元,低於去年同期的7670萬美元。比特幣挖礦板塊的收入由於比特幣價格上漲,儘管比特幣網絡難度增加和2024年4月的減半導致挖出的比特幣數量減少,仍從4970萬美元增至5580萬美元。工程業務營業收入由於供應鏈問題減少至960萬美元,較去年1930萬美元下降。公司所有板塊的毛利潤爲1710萬美元,較去年1290萬美元增加。然而,riot platforms此季度稅前淨虧損爲8440萬美元,而去年同期虧損爲2730萬美元,主要因爲比特幣公允價值損失爲7640萬美元。截...展開全部
比特幣整合型礦業公司riot platforms公佈了截止到2024年6月30日的季度財務業績。該公司本季度總營業收入爲7000萬美元,低於去年同期的7670萬美元。比特幣挖礦板塊的收入由於比特幣價格上漲,儘管比特幣網絡難度增加和2024年4月的減半導致挖出的比特幣數量減少,仍從4970萬美元增至5580萬美元。工程業務營業收入由於供應鏈問題減少至960萬美元,較去年1930萬美元下降。公司所有板塊的毛利潤爲1710萬美元,較去年1290萬美元增加。然而,riot platforms此季度稅前淨虧損爲8440萬美元,而去年同期虧損爲2730萬美元,主要因爲比特幣公允價值損失爲7640萬美元。截止2024年6月30日的六個月中,公司報告了淨收入爲12730萬美元,其中包括來自比特幣和其他投資公允價值變動的非現金收益。riot platforms繼續擴大其挖礦業務,截至2024年6月30日,其總部署的哈希速率容量約爲22.0 EH/s,並預計到本年底實現36.3 EH/s。公司還完成了Block Mining的收購,增加了其運營能力。riot platforms已停止其數據中心託管業務,專注於自我挖掘,並沒有向新客戶提供這些服務的計劃。公司未來的計劃包括進一步開發其Corsicana設施和戰略增長倡議,以利用行業整合。


