
Ecopetrol | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

Ecopetrol | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

哥倫比亞國家石油 | 6-K:外國發行人報告
美股SEC公告 ·  07/19 21:51
Ecopetrol S.A., Colombia's largest integrated energy company, has announced that it is currently in negotiations with Occidental Petroleum Corp. (OXY) regarding the potential acquisition of a stake in CrownRock, a U.S.-based company. The details of the deal, including the percentage of assets and the purchase price, are still under discussion and subject to ongoing negotiations. Any final agreements, along with potential financing and other necessary procedures, will require statutory and regulatory approvals. Ecopetrol has committed to reporting the outcome of these negotiations. The announcement was made on July 19, 2024, and reflects Ecopetrol's strategic interests in expanding its international presence, which already includes operations in the United States, Brazil, and Mexico, as well as a significant stake in the power transmission business across several Latin American countries.
Ecopetrol S.A., Colombia's largest integrated energy company, has announced that it is currently in negotiations with Occidental Petroleum Corp. (OXY) regarding the potential acquisition of a stake in CrownRock, a U.S.-based company. The details of the deal, including the percentage of assets and the purchase price, are still under discussion and subject to ongoing negotiations. Any final agreements, along with potential financing and other necessary procedures, will require statutory and regulatory approvals. Ecopetrol has committed to reporting the outcome of these negotiations. The announcement was made on July 19, 2024, and reflects Ecopetrol's strategic interests in expanding its international presence, which already includes operations in the United States, Brazil, and Mexico, as well as a significant stake in the power transmission business across several Latin American countries.
哥倫比亞國家石油, 南美最大的綜合能源化工企業, 宣佈目前正在與Occidental Petroleum Corp. (OXY)就購買美國公司CrownRock的股份進行談判。該協議的詳細內容,包括資產的比例和購買價格,仍在討論之中,需經過持續的談判與法規審批程序的批准才可確定最終協議和潛在融資以及其他必要程序。哥倫比亞國家石油承諾將公佈這些談判的結果。該公告是在2024年7月19日發佈的,旨在反映Ecopetrol擴大其國際業務的戰略意圖,其業務範圍已經包括美國、巴西、墨西哥等地以及拉美多個國家的重要變速器及電力業務。
哥倫比亞國家石油, 南美最大的綜合能源化工企業, 宣佈目前正在與Occidental Petroleum Corp. (OXY)就購買美國公司CrownRock的股份進行談判。該協議的詳細內容,包括資產的比例和購買價格,仍在討論之中,需經過持續的談判與法規審批程序的批准才可確定最終協議和潛在融資以及其他必要程序。哥倫比亞國家石油承諾將公佈這些談判的結果。該公告是在2024年7月19日發佈的,旨在反映Ecopetrol擴大其國際業務的戰略意圖,其業務範圍已經包括美國、巴西、墨西哥等地以及拉美多個國家的重要變速器及電力業務。


