
8-K: Current report

8-K: Current report

美股SEC公告 ·  2024/07/18 20:36


Nauticus Robotics has successfully completed and invoiced Phase I of its four-phase contract with Brazil's largest offshore oil & gas operator. The milestone achievement includes finalizing engineering and proof-of-concept documentation for the Aquanaut Mark 2 vehicle, validating 10 core functionalities essential for offshore deepwater field inspection and maintenance tasks. All Phase I requirements were met during Q2FY24.The company is currently executing Phase II (Technology Integration) and Phase III (Controlled Environment Testing) concurrently through an iterative approach. The final Phase IV (Field Qualification Test) will be conducted in Brazil. The Aquanaut vehicle utilizes Nauticus' proprietary ToolKITT software, previously tested across various subsea vehicle classes, advancing the industry's transition from traditional tethered operations to augmented autonomy.The project, awarded in 2023, demonstrates Nauticus' commitment to revolutionizing subsea operations by improving efficiency, safety, and reducing CO2 emissions in offshore operations. The Aquanaut Mark 2's documentation includes technical analysis, Factory Acceptance Test results, and testing status in both controlled and uncontrolled environments.
Nauticus Robotics has successfully completed and invoiced Phase I of its four-phase contract with Brazil's largest offshore oil & gas operator. The milestone achievement includes finalizing engineering and proof-of-concept documentation for the Aquanaut Mark 2 vehicle, validating 10 core functionalities essential for offshore deepwater field inspection and maintenance tasks. All Phase I requirements were met during Q2FY24.The company is currently executing Phase II (Technology Integration) and Phase III (Controlled Environment Testing) concurrently through an iterative approach. The final Phase IV (Field Qualification Test) will be conducted in Brazil. The Aquanaut vehicle utilizes Nauticus' proprietary ToolKITT software, previously tested across various subsea vehicle classes, advancing the industry's transition from traditional tethered operations to augmented autonomy.The project, awarded in 2023, demonstrates Nauticus' commitment to revolutionizing subsea operations by improving efficiency, safety, and reducing CO2 emissions in offshore operations. The Aquanaut Mark 2's documentation includes technical analysis, Factory Acceptance Test results, and testing status in both controlled and uncontrolled environments.
Nauticus Robotics成功完成並開具了與巴西最大石油和天然氣運營商的四階段合同的第一階段發票。該里程碑成就包括爲Aquanaut Mark 2車輛最終確定工程和概念驗證文檔,驗證了10個對海上深水油田檢查和維護任務至關重要的核心功能。所有第一階段的要求均在2024財年第二季度內滿足。公司目前正在通過迭代方法同時執行第二階段(科技整合)和第三階段(控制環境測試)。最終的第四階段(現場資格測試)將在巴西進行。Aquanaut車輛利用了Nauticus的專有軟體ToolKITt,該軟體此前已在各種水下車輛類別中進行測試,推動了行業從傳統的有線操作向增強自治的過渡。該項目於2023年授予,展示了Nauticus致力於通過提高效率、安全性以及減少海上作業中的二氧化碳排放來徹底改變水下作業的承諾。Aquanaut Mark 2的文檔包括技術面分析、工廠驗收測試結果以及控制和非控制環境下的測試狀態。
Nauticus Robotics成功完成並開具了與巴西最大石油和天然氣運營商的四階段合同的第一階段發票。該里程碑成就包括爲Aquanaut Mark 2車輛最終確定工程和概念驗證文檔,驗證了10個對海上深水油田檢查和維護任務至關重要的核心功能。所有第一階段的要求均在2024財年第二季度內滿足。公司目前正在通過迭代方法同時執行第二階段(科技整合)和第三階段(控制環境測試)。最終的第四階段(現場資格測試)將在巴西進行。Aquanaut車輛利用了Nauticus的專有軟體ToolKITt,該軟體此前已在各種水下車輛類別中進行測試,推動了行業從傳統的有線操作向增強自治的過渡。該項目於2023年授予,展示了Nauticus致力於通過提高效率、安全性以及減少海上作業中的二氧化碳排放來徹底改變水下作業的承諾。Aquanaut Mark 2的文檔包括技術面分析、工廠驗收測試結果以及控制和非控制環境下的測試狀態。


