
PRE 14A: Preliminary proxy statements relating to merger or acquisition

PRE 14A: Preliminary proxy statements relating to merger or acquisition

PRE 14A:並購重組委托聲明
美股SEC公告 ·  07/13 05:13
Cingulate Inc., a company listed on the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, has announced a Special Meeting of Stockholders to be held virtually on August 23, 2024. The primary agenda for the meeting is to seek stockholder approval for two key proposals. The first, known as the Issuance Proposal, is to authorize the issuance of shares of common stock underlying certain warrants as part of compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d). These warrants were issued pursuant to an Inducement Letter dated June 28, 2024, and an Engagement Letter with H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC, dated December 27, 2023. The second proposal, the Adjournment Proposal, is to approve the adjournment of the Special Meeting to a later date if necessary, to allow for further solicitation of...Show More
Cingulate Inc., a company listed on the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, has announced a Special Meeting of Stockholders to be held virtually on August 23, 2024. The primary agenda for the meeting is to seek stockholder approval for two key proposals. The first, known as the Issuance Proposal, is to authorize the issuance of shares of common stock underlying certain warrants as part of compliance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(d). These warrants were issued pursuant to an Inducement Letter dated June 28, 2024, and an Engagement Letter with H.C. Wainwright & Co., LLC, dated December 27, 2023. The second proposal, the Adjournment Proposal, is to approve the adjournment of the Special Meeting to a later date if necessary, to allow for further solicitation of proxies if there are insufficient votes for the Issuance Proposal. The Board of Directors has unanimously recommended voting in favor of both proposals. Stockholders as of the record date, June 28, 2024, are entitled to vote and have been provided with various methods to submit their proxy votes. The company emphasizes the importance of stockholder votes and has provided detailed instructions for voting by mail, telephone, or internet. The results of the voting will be published in a Current Report on Form 8-K within four business days of the Special Meeting.
Cingulate Inc.是一家在美國證券交易所上市的公司,已宣佈將於2024年8月23日通過網絡舉行特別股東大會。此次會議的主要議程是尋求股東批准兩項重要提案。第一項被稱爲發行提案,旨在授權發行普通股爲納斯達克上市規則5635(d)的一部分。這些權證是根據2024年6月28日的誘因信函和2023年12月27日與H.C. Wainwright & Co.,LLC簽訂的合同發行的。第二項提案是延期提案,旨在批准將特別會議延期到以後的日期,如果發行提案的投票不足,則允許進一步徵求委託投票。董事會一致建議投票支持這兩項提案。截至記錄日2024年6月28日,持有股票的股東有權進行投票,並已提供各種方法提交他們的委託投票。該公司強調股東投票的重要性,並提供了詳細的郵寄、電話或互聯網投票說明。投票結果將會在特別會議後四個工作日內發佈8-K表格的現行報告。
Cingulate Inc.是一家在美國證券交易所上市的公司,已宣佈將於2024年8月23日通過網絡舉行特別股東大會。此次會議的主要議程是尋求股東批准兩項重要提案。第一項被稱爲發行提案,旨在授權發行普通股爲納斯達克上市規則5635(d)的一部分。這些權證是根據2024年6月28日的誘因信函和2023年12月27日與H.C. Wainwright & Co.,LLC簽訂的合同發行的。第二項提案是延期提案,旨在批准將特別會議延期到以後的日期,如果發行提案的投票不足,則允許進一步徵求委託投票。董事會一致建議投票支持這兩項提案。截至記錄日2024年6月28日,持有股票的股東有權進行投票,並已提供各種方法提交他們的委託投票。該公司強調股東投票的重要性,並提供了詳細的郵寄、電話或互聯網投票說明。投票結果將會在特別會議後四個工作日內發佈8-K表格的現行報告。


