
8-K: Current report

8-K: Current report

美股SEC公告 ·  07/13 04:35
On July 10, 2024, Cipher Mining Inc., a Delaware-based company specializing in cryptocurrency mining, announced an Amendment Agreement to its existing Future Sales and Purchase Agreement with Bitmain Technologies Delaware Limited. The amendment involves an upgrade in the type of mining equipment the company has the option to purchase, switching from 45,706 Antminer T21 miners to 32,164 Antminer S21 XP miners. Additionally, the amendment extends the call option period for Cipher Mining to exercise its purchase rights from December 31, 2024, to June 30, 2025. The total purchase price for the upgraded miners is set at $186,712,020, with a structured payment plan that includes an initial 10% payment due within 7 days of the amendment execution, less the $12,157,796 already paid, and subsequent payments tied to various milestones related to the delivery and shipping of the miners.
On July 10, 2024, Cipher Mining Inc., a Delaware-based company specializing in cryptocurrency mining, announced an Amendment Agreement to its existing Future Sales and Purchase Agreement with Bitmain Technologies Delaware Limited. The amendment involves an upgrade in the type of mining equipment the company has the option to purchase, switching from 45,706 Antminer T21 miners to 32,164 Antminer S21 XP miners. Additionally, the amendment extends the call option period for Cipher Mining to exercise its purchase rights from December 31, 2024, to June 30, 2025. The total purchase price for the upgraded miners is set at $186,712,020, with a structured payment plan that includes an initial 10% payment due within 7 days of the amendment execution, less the $12,157,796 already paid, and subsequent payments tied to various milestones related to the delivery and shipping of the miners.
2024年7月10日,總部位於特拉華州的Cipher Mining公司,專門從事數字貨幣礦業,宣佈與Bitmain Technologies(Delaware)有限公司修改了現有的未來銷售和購買協議。修改涉及到公司可購買的採礦設備類型的升級,從45,706臺Antminer T21礦機升級爲32,164臺Antminer S21 XP礦機。另外,修訂條款將Cipher Mining公司行使購買權的看漲期限從2024年12月31日延長至2025年6月30日。升級礦機總購買價格爲1億8671.2萬美元,其中包括一項分期付款計劃,在修訂協議生效後7天內支付首次10%款項,減去已支付的1215.7796萬美元,隨後的付款與礦機交付和發貨相關的各個里程碑掛鉤。
2024年7月10日,總部位於特拉華州的Cipher Mining公司,專門從事數字貨幣礦業,宣佈與Bitmain Technologies(Delaware)有限公司修改了現有的未來銷售和購買協議。修改涉及到公司可購買的採礦設備類型的升級,從45,706臺Antminer T21礦機升級爲32,164臺Antminer S21 XP礦機。另外,修訂條款將Cipher Mining公司行使購買權的看漲期限從2024年12月31日延長至2025年6月30日。升級礦機總購買價格爲1億8671.2萬美元,其中包括一項分期付款計劃,在修訂協議生效後7天內支付首次10%款項,減去已支付的1215.7796萬美元,隨後的付款與礦機交付和發貨相關的各個里程碑掛鉤。


