
Citigroup | 424B2: Prospectus

Citigroup | 424B2: Prospectus

花旗集團 | 424B2:募資說明書
美股sec公告 ·  03:56
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., has issued a new financial product called Dual Directional Barrier Securities, which are linked to the performance of the S&P 500 Index and are due on July 23, 2025. These securities, which do not pay interest and offer variable repayment at maturity based on the index's performance, were priced on July 5, 2024, with an issue date of July 10, 2024. The securities provide the potential for a positive return at maturity if the S&P 500 Index appreciates or depreciates within a certain range, with a maximum upside return of 10% of the principal amount. However, if the index depreciates beyond a specified barrier level, investors will experience a loss proportional to the decline. The securities...Show More
Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Citigroup Inc., has issued a new financial product called Dual Directional Barrier Securities, which are linked to the performance of the S&P 500 Index and are due on July 23, 2025. These securities, which do not pay interest and offer variable repayment at maturity based on the index's performance, were priced on July 5, 2024, with an issue date of July 10, 2024. The securities provide the potential for a positive return at maturity if the S&P 500 Index appreciates or depreciates within a certain range, with a maximum upside return of 10% of the principal amount. However, if the index depreciates beyond a specified barrier level, investors will experience a loss proportional to the decline. The securities are unsecured and subject to the credit risk of Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc. and Citigroup Inc. The total aggregate principal amount of the securities is $2,941,000, with a stated principal amount of $1,000 per security. The securities will not be listed on any securities exchange, indicating potential limited liquidity for investors. Citigroup Global Markets Inc., an affiliate of the issuer, is the underwriter and will receive an underwriting fee for each security sold.
花旗集團全球市場控股有限公司(Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc.)是花旗集團(Citigroup Inc.)的子公司,推出了一款名爲“雙向障礙證券(Dual Directional Barrier Securities)”的新金融產品,該證券與標普500指數表現相關,到期日爲2025年7月23日。這些證券不支付利息,到期時根據指數表現進行變量還款定價,並於2024年7月5日定價,發行日期爲2024年7月10日。這些證券提供到期時的正回報潛力,如果標普500指數在一定區間內升值或貶值,最大上行回報爲本金金額的10%。然而,如果指數跌破特定的障礙水平,投資...展開全部
花旗集團全球市場控股有限公司(Citigroup Global Markets Holdings Inc.)是花旗集團(Citigroup Inc.)的子公司,推出了一款名爲“雙向障礙證券(Dual Directional Barrier Securities)”的新金融產品,該證券與標普500指數表現相關,到期日爲2025年7月23日。這些證券不支付利息,到期時根據指數表現進行變量還款定價,並於2024年7月5日定價,發行日期爲2024年7月10日。這些證券提供到期時的正回報潛力,如果標普500指數在一定區間內升值或貶值,最大上行回報爲本金金額的10%。然而,如果指數跌破特定的障礙水平,投資者將經歷與跌幅成比例的虧損。這些證券未受擔保,受花旗全球市場控股有限公司和花旗集團的信用風險影響。這些證券的總額爲$2,941,000,每份證券的聲明本金金額爲$1,000。這些證券不會在任何證券交易所上市,這表明投資者的流動性可能受到限制。發行人的附屬公司花旗全球市場股份有限公司是承銷商,將爲每個出售的證券收取承銷費。


