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Mullen Automotive | 424B3: Prospectus
Mullen Automotive | 424B3: Prospectus
Mullen Automotive | 424B3:募資說明書
Mullen Automotive Inc. has announced the potential sale of up to 75,000,000 shares of its common stock, par value $0.001 per share, by Esousa Holdings, LLC, referred to as the Selling Stockholder. The shares may be offered from time to time, pursuant to a common stock purchase agreement dated May 21, 2024, known as the Purchase Agreement. The sale of shares is subject to certain conditions, including the approval of Mullen's stockholders if the number of shares issued exceeds the 19.99% threshold of total outstanding shares prior to the execution of the Purchase Agreement, as per Nasdaq rules. The shares consist of those Mullen may elect to sell to the Selling Stockholder and shares agreed to be issued as consideration for the Selling Stockholder...Show More
Mullen Automotive Inc. has announced the potential sale of up to 75,000,000 shares of its common stock, par value $0.001 per share, by Esousa Holdings, LLC, referred to as the Selling Stockholder. The shares may be offered from time to time, pursuant to a common stock purchase agreement dated May 21, 2024, known as the Purchase Agreement. The sale of shares is subject to certain conditions, including the approval of Mullen's stockholders if the number of shares issued exceeds the 19.99% threshold of total outstanding shares prior to the execution of the Purchase Agreement, as per Nasdaq rules. The shares consist of those Mullen may elect to sell to the Selling Stockholder and shares agreed to be issued as consideration for the Selling Stockholder's commitment to purchase Mullen's common stock, known as Commitment Shares. The transaction also involves rights associated with the shares, detailed in the 'Description of Securities—Rights Agreement; Series A-1 Junior Participating Preferred Stock' section. Mullen will not sell any shares directly and will not receive proceeds from the Selling Stockholder's sales. However, Mullen may sell up to $150,000,000 of common stock to the Selling Stockholder after the registration statement is effective, subject to the prospectus's limitations. The Selling Stockholder may sell the shares at varying prices and has agreed not to engage in any direct or indirect short selling or hedging of Mullen's common stock. The date of the prospectus is July 5, 2024, and Mullen is classified as a 'smaller reporting company' with reduced public company reporting requirements.
Mullen汽車公司已宣佈Esousa Holdings LLC有可能出售7500萬股普通股,每股面值0.001美元。Esousa Holdings,即售股股東,股份可能根據2024年5月21日的《普通股購買協議》即《購買協議》隨時進行。銷售股份的條件包括經納斯達克規定,如果發行股份數量超過執行《購買協議》前已發行股份總數的19.99%限額,必須獲得Mullen股東的批准。這些股份包括Mullen可以選擇出售給售股股東的股份,以及作爲對售股股東承諾購買Mullen普通股,即“承諾股份”的支付而同意發行的股份。該交易還涉及與上述股份相關的權利,詳見“證券描述-權利協議; A-1系列優先普通股”。...展開全部
Mullen汽車公司已宣佈Esousa Holdings LLC有可能出售7500萬股普通股,每股面值0.001美元。Esousa Holdings,即售股股東,股份可能根據2024年5月21日的《普通股購買協議》即《購買協議》隨時進行。銷售股份的條件包括經納斯達克規定,如果發行股份數量超過執行《購買協議》前已發行股份總數的19.99%限額,必須獲得Mullen股東的批准。這些股份包括Mullen可以選擇出售給售股股東的股份,以及作爲對售股股東承諾購買Mullen普通股,即“承諾股份”的支付而同意發行的股份。該交易還涉及與上述股份相關的權利,詳見“證券描述-權利協議; A-1系列優先普通股”。Mullen不會直接銷售任何股份,也不會從售股股東的銷售中獲得任何收益。但是,Mullen在註冊聲明生效後,可將最多1.5億美元的普通股銷售給售股股東,但受擬議中募集說明書的限制。售股股東可能以不同價格出售這些股份,並已同意不進行任何直接或間接的Mullen普通股空頭交易或套期保值。招股說明書的日期爲2024年7月5日,Mullen被歸類爲“較小的報告公司”,受到減少公開報告要求的限制。
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