
CleanSpark | 8-K: Current report

CleanSpark | 8-K: Current report

CleanSpark | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/07/04 05:26


CleanSpark announced on July 3, 2024, that its Audit Committee has approved the engagement of BDO USA, P.C. as the company's new independent registered public accounting firm, effective immediately. The appointment resulted in the dismissal of MaloneBailey, LLP, the company's previous auditor.MaloneBailey's reports on CleanSpark's consolidated financial statements for fiscal years 2023 and 2022 contained no adverse opinions or modifications. However, a material weakness was identified in the company's internal control over financial reporting, specifically related to general information technology controls over third-party systems relevant to financial statement preparation.During the fiscal years 2022-2023 and through July 3, 2024, there were no disagreements with MaloneBailey on accounting principles, practices, or audit procedures. Additionally, CleanSpark had no prior consultations with BDO regarding accounting principles or audit opinions during this period.
CleanSpark announced on July 3, 2024, that its Audit Committee has approved the engagement of BDO USA, P.C. as the company's new independent registered public accounting firm, effective immediately. The appointment resulted in the dismissal of MaloneBailey, LLP, the company's previous auditor.MaloneBailey's reports on CleanSpark's consolidated financial statements for fiscal years 2023 and 2022 contained no adverse opinions or modifications. However, a material weakness was identified in the company's internal control over financial reporting, specifically related to general information technology controls over third-party systems relevant to financial statement preparation.During the fiscal years 2022-2023 and through July 3, 2024, there were no disagreements with MaloneBailey on accounting principles, practices, or audit procedures. Additionally, CleanSpark had no prior consultations with BDO regarding accounting principles or audit opinions during this period.
2024年7月3日,Nevada公司CleanSpark,Inc.在納斯達克證券交易所上市,交易代碼爲CLSK,並宣佈了財務監督的重大變化。董事會審計委員會批准聘請新的獨立註冊會計師事務所BDO USA, P.C.審計公司的合併財務報表。此決定導致前核數師MaloneBailey, LLP被立即解僱。MaloneBailey對CleanSpark財務報表的過去報告沒有包含任何負面意見或聲明,並未在審計範圍或會計原則方面進行修正或限定。此次變更是在CleanSpark在2023財年結束的年度報告中披露的內部控制缺陷,具體涉及第三方信息系統的常規IT控制之後進行的。CleanSpark已向MaloneBailey提供了本報告中的披露,並要求MaloneBailey致信證券交易委員會以確認他們同意公司的聲明或提供有任何不同的意見。
2024年7月3日,Nevada公司CleanSpark,Inc.在納斯達克證券交易所上市,交易代碼爲CLSK,並宣佈了財務監督的重大變化。董事會審計委員會批准聘請新的獨立註冊會計師事務所BDO USA, P.C.審計公司的合併財務報表。此決定導致前核數師MaloneBailey, LLP被立即解僱。MaloneBailey對CleanSpark財務報表的過去報告沒有包含任何負面意見或聲明,並未在審計範圍或會計原則方面進行修正或限定。此次變更是在CleanSpark在2023財年結束的年度報告中披露的內部控制缺陷,具體涉及第三方信息系統的常規IT控制之後進行的。CleanSpark已向MaloneBailey提供了本報告中的披露,並要求MaloneBailey致信證券交易委員會以確認他們同意公司的聲明或提供有任何不同的意見。


