
Safe & Green Development | 8-K: Current report

Safe & Green Development | 8-K: Current report

Safe & Green Development | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  07/04 04:38
On July 2, 2024, Safe and Green Development Corporation held its 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, where several key proposals were voted upon. The stockholders elected Paul Galvin, Christopher Melton, and Jeffrey Tweedy as Class I Directors for a three-year term. Additionally, the selection of MK CPAS PLLS as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, was ratified. A significant amendment to the Company's Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation was approved, allowing a reverse stock split at a ratio to be determined by the Board of Directors. Furthermore, the issuance of up to 9,014,546 shares of Common Stock pursuant to a securities purchase agreement with Peak One Opportunity Fund, L.P., was authorized, in compliance with Nasdaq listing rules. The stockholders also approved the potential adjournment of the Annual Meeting to a later date if necessary, which ultimately was not required due to the approval of the aforementioned proposals.
On July 2, 2024, Safe and Green Development Corporation held its 2024 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, where several key proposals were voted upon. The stockholders elected Paul Galvin, Christopher Melton, and Jeffrey Tweedy as Class I Directors for a three-year term. Additionally, the selection of MK CPAS PLLS as the independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, was ratified. A significant amendment to the Company's Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation was approved, allowing a reverse stock split at a ratio to be determined by the Board of Directors. Furthermore, the issuance of up to 9,014,546 shares of Common Stock pursuant to a securities purchase agreement with Peak One Opportunity Fund, L.P., was authorized, in compliance with Nasdaq listing rules. The stockholders also approved the potential adjournment of the Annual Meeting to a later date if necessary, which ultimately was not required due to the approval of the aforementioned proposals.
2024年7月2日,Safe and Green Development Corporation召開了2024年股東大會,對幾個關鍵提案進行了投票。股東選舉了保羅·加爾文(Paul Galvin)、克里斯托弗·梅爾頓(Christopher Melton)和傑弗裏·圖伊迪(Jeffrey Tweedy)作爲I類董事,任期爲三年。此外,MK CPAS PLLS被選爲獨立註冊的上市會計師事務所,負責截至2024年12月31日的財政年度審計。公司修正和重訂的章程的重要修改獲得通過,允許董事會按比例進行股票拆分。此外,根據納斯達克上市規則,授權發行多達9,014,546股普通股,以符合Peak One Opportunity Fund,L.P.證券購買協議的要求。股東還批准了將年度股東大會推遲到稍後日期的可能性(如果必要的話),但由於前述提案獲得通過,最終並沒有需要推遲。
2024年7月2日,Safe and Green Development Corporation召開了2024年股東大會,對幾個關鍵提案進行了投票。股東選舉了保羅·加爾文(Paul Galvin)、克里斯托弗·梅爾頓(Christopher Melton)和傑弗裏·圖伊迪(Jeffrey Tweedy)作爲I類董事,任期爲三年。此外,MK CPAS PLLS被選爲獨立註冊的上市會計師事務所,負責截至2024年12月31日的財政年度審計。公司修正和重訂的章程的重要修改獲得通過,允許董事會按比例進行股票拆分。此外,根據納斯達克上市規則,授權發行多達9,014,546股普通股,以符合Peak One Opportunity Fund,L.P.證券購買協議的要求。股東還批准了將年度股東大會推遲到稍後日期的可能性(如果必要的話),但由於前述提案獲得通過,最終並沒有需要推遲。


