
S-3: Registration statement for specified transactions by certain issuers

S-3: Registration statement for specified transactions by certain issuers

美股SEC公告 ·  07/04 04:12
SeaStar Medical Holding Corporation, a Delaware-based company, has filed a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on July 3, 2024, for the potential sale of up to 650,447 shares of common stock. These shares are associated with Series A and Series B common warrants previously issued to a single institutional investor, Armistice Capital, LLC, in a private placement. The warrants, exercisable at $20.75 per share, were part of a securities purchase agreement dated January 26, 2024. SeaStar Medical will not receive proceeds from the sale of shares by the Selling Securityholder but will receive the exercise price if the warrants are not exercised on a cashless basis. The registration allows the Selling Securityholder to resell the shares from time to time, with...Show More
SeaStar Medical Holding Corporation, a Delaware-based company, has filed a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on July 3, 2024, for the potential sale of up to 650,447 shares of common stock. These shares are associated with Series A and Series B common warrants previously issued to a single institutional investor, Armistice Capital, LLC, in a private placement. The warrants, exercisable at $20.75 per share, were part of a securities purchase agreement dated January 26, 2024. SeaStar Medical will not receive proceeds from the sale of shares by the Selling Securityholder but will receive the exercise price if the warrants are not exercised on a cashless basis. The registration allows the Selling Securityholder to resell the shares from time to time, with SeaStar Medical bearing all registration expenses. The Selling Securityholder may sell the shares through various methods, including on exchanges, in the over-the-counter market, or through private transactions. The registration statement also includes indemnification agreements for directors and officers, and the company's financial statements audited by WithumSmith+Brown, PC, and Armanino LLP.
SeaStar Medical Holding Corporation是一家總部位於特拉華州的公司,於2024年7月3日向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了一份註冊聲明,擬發行多達650,447股普通股。這些股份與先前以定向增發方式發行給獨立機構投資者Armistice Capital,LLC的A系列和B系列普通認股權相關。這些認股權行使價格爲每股20.75美元,是一份於2024年1月26日簽署的證券購買協議的組成部分。儘管出售安排的股票將導致SeaStar Medical不能獲得收益,但如果認股權以現金方式未行使,該公司將收到相應的行使價格。該註冊聲明允許出售證券的投資者進行不時的轉售,SeaStar Medical需承擔所有註冊費用。該投資者可通過各種方式出售股份,包括在交易所,場外市場或通過私人交易。註冊聲明還涵蓋了對董事和高管的賠償協議以及公司的財務報表,包括被WithumSmith+Brown和Armanino LLP審計過的報表。
SeaStar Medical Holding Corporation是一家總部位於特拉華州的公司,於2024年7月3日向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交了一份註冊聲明,擬發行多達650,447股普通股。這些股份與先前以定向增發方式發行給獨立機構投資者Armistice Capital,LLC的A系列和B系列普通認股權相關。這些認股權行使價格爲每股20.75美元,是一份於2024年1月26日簽署的證券購買協議的組成部分。儘管出售安排的股票將導致SeaStar Medical不能獲得收益,但如果認股權以現金方式未行使,該公司將收到相應的行使價格。該註冊聲明允許出售證券的投資者進行不時的轉售,SeaStar Medical需承擔所有註冊費用。該投資者可通過各種方式出售股份,包括在交易所,場外市場或通過私人交易。註冊聲明還涵蓋了對董事和高管的賠償協議以及公司的財務報表,包括被WithumSmith+Brown和Armanino LLP審計過的報表。


