
CrowdStrike | 144: Notice of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144

CrowdStrike | 144: Notice of proposed sale of securities pursuant to Rule 144

CrowdStrike | 144:擬議出售證券
美股SEC公告 ·  07/02 05:35
PK Giving Trust, an affiliate of CrowdStrike Holdings Inc, is set to sell 250,000 shares of Class A Common stock, valued at approximately $95,797,500, with the sale expected to occur on 07/01/2024. The shares were originally acquired as a gift from the Alexander Kurtz Irrevocable Gift Trust on 10/14/2022. This planned transaction follows a series of sales over the past three months, where a total of 174,866 shares were sold for gross proceeds of nearly $59,012,296.54.
PK Giving Trust, an affiliate of CrowdStrike Holdings Inc, is set to sell 250,000 shares of Class A Common stock, valued at approximately $95,797,500, with the sale expected to occur on 07/01/2024. The shares were originally acquired as a gift from the Alexander Kurtz Irrevocable Gift Trust on 10/14/2022. This planned transaction follows a series of sales over the past three months, where a total of 174,866 shares were sold for gross proceeds of nearly $59,012,296.54.
PK Giving Trust,CrowdStrike公司的一個附屬機構,計劃出售250,000股A類普通股,價值約95,797,500美元,預計在2024年7月1日進行交易。這些股份最初是在2022年10月14日從亞歷山大·庫爾茨不可撤銷贈與信託(Alexander Kurtz Irrevocable Gift Trust)中以禮物的形式獲得的。這次計劃交易是在過去三個月中一系列銷售的基礎上進行的,共售出174,866股,總收益近59,012,296.54美元。
PK Giving Trust,CrowdStrike公司的一個附屬機構,計劃出售250,000股A類普通股,價值約95,797,500美元,預計在2024年7月1日進行交易。這些股份最初是在2022年10月14日從亞歷山大·庫爾茨不可撤銷贈與信託(Alexander Kurtz Irrevocable Gift Trust)中以禮物的形式獲得的。這次計劃交易是在過去三個月中一系列銷售的基礎上進行的,共售出174,866股,總收益近59,012,296.54美元。


