
Hywin | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

Hywin | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

海銀控股 | 6-K:外國發行人報告
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/06/28 18:07


On June 28, 2024, Hywin Holdings announced a major strategic transformation plan to completely exit its wealth management and asset management businesses by terminating its VIE agreements with Hywin Wealth Management. The company will shift its focus to the technology sector, exploring opportunities in new retail, social e-commerce, and metaverse industries through organic growth and strategic partnerships.The company will rebrand as Santech Holdings Limited, with an extraordinary general meeting planned to approve the name change. Mr. Han Hongwei will take ownership of Hywin Wealth Management and continue addressing ongoing client redemption issues.The board-approved transformation is expected to significantly reduce operational scale and revenue in the short term. The company cautions investors about potential risks and uncertainties associated with the restructuring, acknowledging it may not achieve historical profit levels during the transition period.
On June 28, 2024, Hywin Holdings announced a major strategic transformation plan to completely exit its wealth management and asset management businesses by terminating its VIE agreements with Hywin Wealth Management. The company will shift its focus to the technology sector, exploring opportunities in new retail, social e-commerce, and metaverse industries through organic growth and strategic partnerships.The company will rebrand as Santech Holdings Limited, with an extraordinary general meeting planned to approve the name change. Mr. Han Hongwei will take ownership of Hywin Wealth Management and continue addressing ongoing client redemption issues.The board-approved transformation is expected to significantly reduce operational scale and revenue in the short term. The company cautions investors about potential risks and uncertainties associated with the restructuring, acknowledging it may not achieve historical profit levels during the transition period.
海雲控股於2024年6月28日宣佈了其戰略轉型計劃的重大更新。公司將通過終止與海雲财富管理的VIE協議,完全退出财富管理和資產管理業務。這一舉措將導致海雲财富管理不再是公司的合併實體。公司計劃以Santech Holdings Limited重新品牌,並將重點轉向科技板塊。它旨在通過有機增長、戰略合作伙伴關係或兩者結合,探索新零售、社交電子商務和元宇宙概念行業的機會。公司還將評估其剩餘的健康管理服務資產。儘管轉型預計將爲長期增長開闢新的機會,但海雲控股對投資者發出警告,指出潛在風險。公司預計在運營和營業收入規模上短期內會有顯著減少,這可能會影響其歷史利潤水平。將召開特別股東大會以批准名稱變更爲Santech Holdings Limited。
海雲控股於2024年6月28日宣佈了其戰略轉型計劃的重大更新。公司將通過終止與海雲财富管理的VIE協議,完全退出财富管理和資產管理業務。這一舉措將導致海雲财富管理不再是公司的合併實體。公司計劃以Santech Holdings Limited重新品牌,並將重點轉向科技板塊。它旨在通過有機增長、戰略合作伙伴關係或兩者結合,探索新零售、社交電子商務和元宇宙概念行業的機會。公司還將評估其剩餘的健康管理服務資產。儘管轉型預計將爲長期增長開闢新的機會,但海雲控股對投資者發出警告,指出潛在風險。公司預計在運營和營業收入規模上短期內會有顯著減少,這可能會影響其歷史利潤水平。將召開特別股東大會以批准名稱變更爲Santech Holdings Limited。


