


美股SEC公告 ·  05/29 10:35
Apollomics Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, has formally requested the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to accelerate the effective date of its Registration Statement on Form F-3. The company seeks to have the registration become effective on May 29, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. This request was made in accordance with Rule 461 of Regulation C under the Securities Act of 1933. Apollomics has indicated that the effective date may be adjusted if necessary, based on further communication with the SEC. The company's legal counsel, Ryan Coombs from O'Melveny & Myers LLP, is the primary contact for this matter, with Yoon-jee Kim available in his absence.
Apollomics Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, has formally requested the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to accelerate the effective date of its Registration Statement on Form F-3. The company seeks to have the registration become effective on May 29, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time. This request was made in accordance with Rule 461 of Regulation C under the Securities Act of 1933. Apollomics has indicated that the effective date may be adjusted if necessary, based on further communication with the SEC. The company's legal counsel, Ryan Coombs from O'Melveny & Myers LLP, is the primary contact for this matter, with Yoon-jee Kim available in his absence.
生物製藥公司Apollomics正式要求美國證券交易所委員會(SEC)加速其F-3表格的註冊聲明生效日期。該公司尋求註冊在2024年5月29日美國東部時間下午4:00生效。根據證券法規C條例461,公司已表明如果需要可以根據與SEC的進一步溝通進行調整。該公司的法律顧問,O'Melveny&Myers LLP的Ryan Coombs是這件事的主要聯繫人,如有需要,可與代理人Yoon-jee Kim聯繫。
生物製藥公司Apollomics正式要求美國證券交易所委員會(SEC)加速其F-3表格的註冊聲明生效日期。該公司尋求註冊在2024年5月29日美國東部時間下午4:00生效。根據證券法規C條例461,公司已表明如果需要可以根據與SEC的進一步溝通進行調整。該公司的法律顧問,O'Melveny&Myers LLP的Ryan Coombs是這件事的主要聯繫人,如有需要,可與代理人Yoon-jee Kim聯繫。


