
Jumia Technologies | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Jumia Technologies | 6-K: Report of foreign private issuer (related to financial reporting)

Jumia Technologies | 6-K:外国发行人报告(业绩相关)
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/06/28 04:14


Jumia Technologies held its annual shareholders meeting on June 27, 2024, where all proposed resolutions received overwhelming approval from shareholders. The meeting saw significant participation with approximately 10.4-10.7% of registered share capital represented across different voting items.Key approvals included the ratification of Management Board acts (86.49% in favor) and Supervisory Board acts (86.37% in favor) for FY2023. The compensation report for 2023 received 96.46% approval, while the appointment of auditors was approved with 98.98% support. A new Supervisory Board member election passed with 98.41% favorable votes.Shareholders also approved technical resolutions including the cancellation of Conditional Capital 2019/I and 2020/I, amendments to Articles of Association, and matters related to authorized capital, with all these items receiving over 98% support.
Jumia Technologies held its annual shareholders meeting on June 27, 2024, where all proposed resolutions received overwhelming approval from shareholders. The meeting saw significant participation with approximately 10.4-10.7% of registered share capital represented across different voting items.Key approvals included the ratification of Management Board acts (86.49% in favor) and Supervisory Board acts (86.37% in favor) for FY2023. The compensation report for 2023 received 96.46% approval, while the appointment of auditors was approved with 98.98% support. A new Supervisory Board member election passed with 98.41% favorable votes.Shareholders also approved technical resolutions including the cancellation of Conditional Capital 2019/I and 2020/I, amendments to Articles of Association, and matters related to authorized capital, with all these items receiving over 98% support.
Jumia Technologies AG 于2024年6月27日召开了年度股东大会,所有提案均已通过。关键决策包括对2023年管理委员会和监督委员会行为的确认、审计师的任命以及2023年薪酬报告的批准。显著的批准包括选举新的监督委员会成员,取消2019/I和2020/I条件资本,以及对章程的修订。会议还批准取消现有的2023/I授权资本,并创建新的授权资本,并有权利排除的条款。投票结果显示,股东支持力度强,所有议程项目的通过率范围为86.37%至98.98%。最高的批准率(98.98%)是审计师的任命,而监督委员会行为的确认获得的批准率最低,但仍然相当可观,为86.37%。
Jumia Technologies AG 于2024年6月27日召开了年度股东大会,所有提案均已通过。关键决策包括对2023年管理委员会和监督委员会行为的确认、审计师的任命以及2023年薪酬报告的批准。显著的批准包括选举新的监督委员会成员,取消2019/I和2020/I条件资本,以及对章程的修订。会议还批准取消现有的2023/I授权资本,并创建新的授权资本,并有权利排除的条款。投票结果显示,股东支持力度强,所有议程项目的通过率范围为86.37%至98.98%。最高的批准率(98.98%)是审计师的任命,而监督委员会行为的确认获得的批准率最低,但仍然相当可观,为86.37%。


