
SC TO-I: Issuer tender offer statement

SC TO-I: Issuer tender offer statement

SC TO-I:投標報價單
美股sec公告 ·  06/27 19:32
Jet.AI Inc., a Delaware corporation, has announced a tender offer to its warrant holders, providing an opportunity to exchange their outstanding warrants for common shares. The offer is subject to terms and conditions detailed in the prospectus/offer to exchange dated June 27, 2024, and the related Letter of Transmittal. The company is also soliciting consents to amend the Redeemable Warrant Agreement and the Merger Consideration Warrant Agreement, allowing the company to exchange outstanding warrants for 10% fewer common shares than the exchange ratio would otherwise provide upon the closing of the offer. The offer involves three types of warrants: Redeemable Warrants, Private Warrants, and Merger Consideration Warrants, with a total of 23,052,625 warrants outstanding as of June 26, 2024. In exchange, Jet.AI Inc...Show More
Jet.AI Inc., a Delaware corporation, has announced a tender offer to its warrant holders, providing an opportunity to exchange their outstanding warrants for common shares. The offer is subject to terms and conditions detailed in the prospectus/offer to exchange dated June 27, 2024, and the related Letter of Transmittal. The company is also soliciting consents to amend the Redeemable Warrant Agreement and the Merger Consideration Warrant Agreement, allowing the company to exchange outstanding warrants for 10% fewer common shares than the exchange ratio would otherwise provide upon the closing of the offer. The offer involves three types of warrants: Redeemable Warrants, Private Warrants, and Merger Consideration Warrants, with a total of 23,052,625 warrants outstanding as of June 26, 2024. In exchange, Jet.AI Inc. is offering up to 12,334,621 common shares. The company's executive officers and directors are listed, with Mike Winston serving as the Interim Chief Executive Officer. The tender offer is part of the company's broader strategy, which does not include any extraordinary transactions or changes in the present board of directors or management, as detailed in the prospectus/offer to exchange.
Jet.AI公司,一個特拉華州的公司,宣佈向其認股權持有人發出要約,提供將其未償還的認股權轉換爲普通股的機會。該要約受到2024年6月27日的招股書/交換要約及相關轉讓信中詳細說明的條款和條件的約束。該公司還正式徵求同意修訂可贖回認股權協議和併購考慮認股權協議,允許該公司在交易完成時將未償還的認股權換取10%較少數量的普通股。該要約涉及三種類型的認股權:可贖回認股權、私人認股權和併購考慮認股權,截至2024年6月26日,共有23052625個認股權未償還。Jet.AI公司提供多達12334621個普通股作爲交換。該公司的執行官員和董事列出,Mike Winston擔任臨時首席執行官。這個要約是公司更廣泛策略的一部分,該策略不包括任何非常規交易或董事會或管理層的變化,招股書/交換要約中有詳細說明。
Jet.AI公司,一個特拉華州的公司,宣佈向其認股權持有人發出要約,提供將其未償還的認股權轉換爲普通股的機會。該要約受到2024年6月27日的招股書/交換要約及相關轉讓信中詳細說明的條款和條件的約束。該公司還正式徵求同意修訂可贖回認股權協議和併購考慮認股權協議,允許該公司在交易完成時將未償還的認股權換取10%較少數量的普通股。該要約涉及三種類型的認股權:可贖回認股權、私人認股權和併購考慮認股權,截至2024年6月26日,共有23052625個認股權未償還。Jet.AI公司提供多達12334621個普通股作爲交換。該公司的執行官員和董事列出,Mike Winston擔任臨時首席執行官。這個要約是公司更廣泛策略的一部分,該策略不包括任何非常規交易或董事會或管理層的變化,招股書/交換要約中有詳細說明。


