


HKEX ·  Jun 27, 2024 19:00

Summary by Futu AI

萬國數據於2024年6月27日成功舉行年度股東大會,會中通過了包括董事重選及審計師委任在內的各項決議案。股東大會重選了Lim Ah Doo先生、孫強先生和Judy Qing Ye女士為公司董事,並確認委任畢馬威華振會計師事務所為2024財年的獨立審計師。此外,授權董事會在未來12個月內配發或發行最多相當於公司當日已發行股本30%的普通股或其他股本掛鈎證券。會後,董事會成員包括黃偉先生(主席兼首席執行官)等執行董事和Lim Ah Doo先生等獨立董事。
萬國數據於2024年6月27日成功舉行年度股東大會,會中通過了包括董事重選及審計師委任在內的各項決議案。股東大會重選了Lim Ah Doo先生、孫強先生和Judy Qing Ye女士為公司董事,並確認委任畢馬威華振會計師事務所為2024財年的獨立審計師。此外,授權董事會在未來12個月內配發或發行最多相當於公司當日已發行股本30%的普通股或其他股本掛鈎證券。會後,董事會成員包括黃偉先生(主席兼首席執行官)等執行董事和Lim Ah Doo先生等獨立董事。
GDS Holdings held its annual shareholder meeting on June 27, 2024, during which various resolutions were passed including the re-election of directors and appointment of auditors. Lim Ah Doo, Mr. Sun Qiang, and Ms. Judy Qing Ye were re-elected as directors, and BDO HuaZheng Certified Public Accountants LLP was appointed as the independent auditor for fiscal year 2024. In addition, the board of directors was authorized to issue and offer up to 30% of the ordinary shares or other equity-linked securities that have been issued by the company on the day, within the next 12 months. After the meeting, the board of directors includes executive directors such as Mr. Huang Wei (Chairman and CEO) and independent directors such as Lim Ah Doo.
GDS Holdings held its annual shareholder meeting on June 27, 2024, during which various resolutions were passed including the re-election of directors and appointment of auditors. Lim Ah Doo, Mr. Sun Qiang, and Ms. Judy Qing Ye were re-elected as directors, and BDO HuaZheng Certified Public Accountants LLP was appointed as the independent auditor for fiscal year 2024. In addition, the board of directors was authorized to issue and offer up to 30% of the ordinary shares or other equity-linked securities that have been issued by the company on the day, within the next 12 months. After the meeting, the board of directors includes executive directors such as Mr. Huang Wei (Chairman and CEO) and independent directors such as Lim Ah Doo.

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