
BlackBerry | 8-K: Voting Results of Annual Shareholders' Meeting

BlackBerry | 8-K: Voting Results of Annual Shareholders' Meeting

黑莓 | 8-K:年度股東大會投票結果
美股SEC公告 ·  06/26 04:56
On June 25, 2024, BlackBerry Limited held its Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders, with 338,123,177 shares of common stock represented. During the meeting, all seven directors proposed in the management proxy circular were elected to serve until the next annual meeting. The directors received a varied number of votes for and withheld, with Philip Brace receiving the highest number of votes for at 226,606,506. Additionally, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP was re-appointed as the independent auditors with an overwhelming majority of 326,547,841 votes for the re-appointment. The amendment and restatement of the Company’s Equity Incentive Plan was approved with 211,019,535 votes for, and the advisory resolution on executive compensation was also approved, albeit with a closer margin of 139,203,043 votes for versus 125,277,513 against. The meeting concluded with the formal signing of the report by Phil Kurtz, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary of BlackBerry Limited.
On June 25, 2024, BlackBerry Limited held its Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders, with 338,123,177 shares of common stock represented. During the meeting, all seven directors proposed in the management proxy circular were elected to serve until the next annual meeting. The directors received a varied number of votes for and withheld, with Philip Brace receiving the highest number of votes for at 226,606,506. Additionally, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP was re-appointed as the independent auditors with an overwhelming majority of 326,547,841 votes for the re-appointment. The amendment and restatement of the Company’s Equity Incentive Plan was approved with 211,019,535 votes for, and the advisory resolution on executive compensation was also approved, albeit with a closer margin of 139,203,043 votes for versus 125,277,513 against. The meeting concluded with the formal signing of the report by Phil Kurtz, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary of BlackBerry Limited.
2024年6月25日,黑莓有限公司舉行了股東年度和特別會議,共有3.38123177億股普通股被代表。在會議期間,所有七位在管理代理書中提議的董事都被選爲下一次年度會議的服務期。董事們獲得了不同的贊成票數和棄權票數,Philip Brace獲得了226,606,506票的最高贊成票數。此外,普華永道有限公司以壓倒性的326,547,841票贊成獲得了獨立核數師的重新任命。公司股權激勵計劃的修正和重述獲得了21,101,9535票的贊成,高管薪酬諮詢決議也獲得了批准,儘管贊成票數和反對票數之間的差距更小,139,203,043票贊成,125,277,513票反對。會議以Phil Kurtz,黑莓有限公司首席法律官兼公司秘書的正式報告簽署結束。
2024年6月25日,黑莓有限公司舉行了股東年度和特別會議,共有3.38123177億股普通股被代表。在會議期間,所有七位在管理代理書中提議的董事都被選爲下一次年度會議的服務期。董事們獲得了不同的贊成票數和棄權票數,Philip Brace獲得了226,606,506票的最高贊成票數。此外,普華永道有限公司以壓倒性的326,547,841票贊成獲得了獨立核數師的重新任命。公司股權激勵計劃的修正和重述獲得了21,101,9535票的贊成,高管薪酬諮詢決議也獲得了批准,儘管贊成票數和反對票數之間的差距更小,139,203,043票贊成,125,277,513票反對。會議以Phil Kurtz,黑莓有限公司首席法律官兼公司秘書的正式報告簽署結束。


