
11-K: Annual report of employee stock purchase, savings and similar plans (and amendment thereto)

11-K: Annual report of employee stock purchase, savings and similar plans (and amendment thereto)

美股SEC公告 ·  06/26 04:26
Bristol-Myers Squibb has filed its annual Form 11-K report with the SEC for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The report details the financial statements of the Bristol-Myers Squibb Puerto Rico, Inc. Savings and Investment Program, a defined contribution retirement plan for the company's employees in Puerto Rico. The independent audit, conducted by Withum Smith + Brown, PC, concluded that the financial statements present fairly the net assets available for benefits, which amounted to $226,709,000 at the end of 2023, up from $196,349,000 the previous year. The report also includes a statement of changes in net assets, showing a net increase of $30,360,000 during the year. The plan allows for participant-directed investments and includes employer matching contributions. The audit report, signed on June 25, 2024, confirms the plan's compliance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.
Bristol-Myers Squibb has filed its annual Form 11-K report with the SEC for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The report details the financial statements of the Bristol-Myers Squibb Puerto Rico, Inc. Savings and Investment Program, a defined contribution retirement plan for the company's employees in Puerto Rico. The independent audit, conducted by Withum Smith + Brown, PC, concluded that the financial statements present fairly the net assets available for benefits, which amounted to $226,709,000 at the end of 2023, up from $196,349,000 the previous year. The report also includes a statement of changes in net assets, showing a net increase of $30,360,000 during the year. The plan allows for participant-directed investments and includes employer matching contributions. The audit report, signed on June 25, 2024, confirms the plan's compliance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.
施貴寶已向SEC提交了其截至2023年12月31日的年度11-K表格報告。該報告詳細說明了施貴寶波多黎各有限公司儲蓄和投資計劃的財務報表,該計劃爲公司在波多黎各的員工提供的養老金計劃。由Withum Smith + Brown,PC進行獨立審計,得出的結論是,財務報表公正地呈現了可用於福利的淨資產,該資產截至2023年底爲2.267.090億美元,較上年的1.963.490億美元增加。該報告還包括淨資產變動表,顯示該年淨增加3036萬美元。計劃允許參與者自主投資,幷包括僱主匹配捐款。該審計報告於2024年6月25日簽署,證實該計劃符合美國通用會計原則。
施貴寶已向SEC提交了其截至2023年12月31日的年度11-K表格報告。該報告詳細說明了施貴寶波多黎各有限公司儲蓄和投資計劃的財務報表,該計劃爲公司在波多黎各的員工提供的養老金計劃。由Withum Smith + Brown,PC進行獨立審計,得出的結論是,財務報表公正地呈現了可用於福利的淨資產,該資產截至2023年底爲2.267.090億美元,較上年的1.963.490億美元增加。該報告還包括淨資產變動表,顯示該年淨增加3036萬美元。計劃允許參與者自主投資,幷包括僱主匹配捐款。該審計報告於2024年6月25日簽署,證實該計劃符合美國通用會計原則。


