
11-K: Annual report of employee stock purchase, savings and similar plans (and amendment thereto)

11-K: Annual report of employee stock purchase, savings and similar plans (and amendment thereto)

美股SEC公告 ·  06/26 04:26
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY.US), a leading pharmaceutical company, has filed its annual Form 11-K report with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The report, signed on June 25, 2024, by Senior Vice President and Treasurer Sandra Ramos-Alves, includes comprehensive financial statements for the Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Savings and Investment Program. The audited financial statements reveal that the net assets available for benefits increased significantly from $8,960,971 in 2022 to $10,303,645 in 2023. The report also details the Program's investment in participant-directed investments, employer contributions, and participant loans. The Program, which is a defined contribution retirement plan, includes a variety of investment options and is subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). The independent audit, conducted by Withum Smith + Brown, PC, concluded that the financial statements present fairly the net assets and changes in net assets for the year in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMY.US), a leading pharmaceutical company, has filed its annual Form 11-K report with the Securities and Exchange Commission for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. The report, signed on June 25, 2024, by Senior Vice President and Treasurer Sandra Ramos-Alves, includes comprehensive financial statements for the Bristol-Myers Squibb Company Savings and Investment Program. The audited financial statements reveal that the net assets available for benefits increased significantly from $8,960,971 in 2022 to $10,303,645 in 2023. The report also details the Program's investment in participant-directed investments, employer contributions, and participant loans. The Program, which is a defined contribution retirement plan, includes a variety of investment options and is subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). The independent audit, conducted by Withum Smith + Brown, PC, concluded that the financial statements present fairly the net assets and changes in net assets for the year in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.
領先的藥品公司施貴寶公司(BMY.US)已向證券交易所提交其截至2023年12月31日的財政年度的年度11-K表格報告。該報告由高級副總裁兼財務總監桑德拉·拉莫斯-阿爾維斯於2024年6月25日簽署,幷包括施貴寶公司儲蓄和投資計劃的全面基本報表。經審計的財務報表顯示,可供福利使用的淨資產從2022年的896萬零9971美元增長到2023年的1,030萬3,645美元。報告還詳細介紹了計劃在參與者指定投資、僱主貢獻和參與者貸款方面的投資,並介紹了該計劃作爲一項確定性給付退休計劃(DC計劃)擁有多種投資期權,並受1974年僱員退休收入安全法案(ERISA)規定的條款約束。由Withum Smith + Brown(簡稱“WSB”)負責的獨立審計已經得出結論,即財務報表根據美國普遍公認會計准則,公正地呈現了當年的淨資產和淨資產變化。
領先的藥品公司施貴寶公司(BMY.US)已向證券交易所提交其截至2023年12月31日的財政年度的年度11-K表格報告。該報告由高級副總裁兼財務總監桑德拉·拉莫斯-阿爾維斯於2024年6月25日簽署,幷包括施貴寶公司儲蓄和投資計劃的全面基本報表。經審計的財務報表顯示,可供福利使用的淨資產從2022年的896萬零9971美元增長到2023年的1,030萬3,645美元。報告還詳細介紹了計劃在參與者指定投資、僱主貢獻和參與者貸款方面的投資,並介紹了該計劃作爲一項確定性給付退休計劃(DC計劃)擁有多種投資期權,並受1974年僱員退休收入安全法案(ERISA)規定的條款約束。由Withum Smith + Brown(簡稱“WSB”)負責的獨立審計已經得出結論,即財務報表根據美國普遍公認會計准則,公正地呈現了當年的淨資產和淨資產變化。


