
8-K: Current report

8-K: Current report

美股sec公告 ·  06/25 04:12
Reliance Global Group, Inc. has reported several significant corporate developments in a recent Form 8-K filing with the SEC. Between May 21, 2024, and June 21, 2024, the company issued a total of 4,243,714 shares of restricted common stock. These issuances were part of transactions involving the company's consultants and the conversion of Series B and Series G common stock purchase warrants. Following these transactions, the total number of issued and outstanding shares of common stock stood at 14,631,210 as of June 21, 2024. Additionally, on June 24, 2024, Reliance Global Group announced the withdrawal of a previously filed registration statement that was intended to register potential shares issuable under the Series G warrants. This decision came after an institutional investor redeemed all outstanding Series B and Series G...Show More
Reliance Global Group, Inc. has reported several significant corporate developments in a recent Form 8-K filing with the SEC. Between May 21, 2024, and June 21, 2024, the company issued a total of 4,243,714 shares of restricted common stock. These issuances were part of transactions involving the company's consultants and the conversion of Series B and Series G common stock purchase warrants. Following these transactions, the total number of issued and outstanding shares of common stock stood at 14,631,210 as of June 21, 2024. Additionally, on June 24, 2024, Reliance Global Group announced the withdrawal of a previously filed registration statement that was intended to register potential shares issuable under the Series G warrants. This decision came after an institutional investor redeemed all outstanding Series B and Series G warrants, converting them into a reduced number of shares. The company's CEO, Ezra Beyman, expressed satisfaction with the simplification of the capital structure and optimism about the company's future, including a planned acquisition expected to significantly increase revenues and cash flows. Reliance Global Group is known for its InsurTech platform, leveraging AI and cloud-based technologies to enhance the insurance agency/brokerage industry.
Reliance Global Group, Inc.近期向SEC提交的8-K表格中宣佈了數項重大企業發展。2024年5月21日至6月21日期間,公司共發行了4,243,714股限制性普通股。這些發行是公司顧問和系列B和G普通股認購權轉換交易的一部分。在這些交易之後,截至2024年6月21日,發行和流通普通股總數達到14,631,210股。此外,2024年6月24日,Reliance Global Group宣佈取消以前已提交的註冊聲明,以註冊系列G認購權可能發行的潛在股份。這一決定是在機構投資者贖回所有未行使的系列B和G認購權後做出的,並將其換成股份,減少了股份的數量。公司CEO以斯拉控股(Ezra Beyman)對資本結構的簡化表示滿意,並對公司的未來,包括計劃中的收購,有望顯著增加收入和現金流表示樂觀。Reliance Global Group以其利用人工智能和基於雲技術的InsurTech平台,來增強保險經紀行業而聞名。
Reliance Global Group, Inc.近期向SEC提交的8-K表格中宣佈了數項重大企業發展。2024年5月21日至6月21日期間,公司共發行了4,243,714股限制性普通股。這些發行是公司顧問和系列B和G普通股認購權轉換交易的一部分。在這些交易之後,截至2024年6月21日,發行和流通普通股總數達到14,631,210股。此外,2024年6月24日,Reliance Global Group宣佈取消以前已提交的註冊聲明,以註冊系列G認購權可能發行的潛在股份。這一決定是在機構投資者贖回所有未行使的系列B和G認購權後做出的,並將其換成股份,減少了股份的數量。公司CEO以斯拉控股(Ezra Beyman)對資本結構的簡化表示滿意,並對公司的未來,包括計劃中的收購,有望顯著增加收入和現金流表示樂觀。Reliance Global Group以其利用人工智能和基於雲技術的InsurTech平台,來增強保險經紀行業而聞名。


