
S-1: General form for registration of securities under the Securities Act of 1933

S-1: General form for registration of securities under the Securities Act of 1933

美股SEC公告 ·  06/22 05:22
Airship AI Holdings, Inc., a company specializing in AI-driven data management, has filed a registration statement and preliminary prospectus with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on June 21, 2024, for the offering of its common stock. The shares will be priced based on the last reported sale price on The Nasdaq Global Market, where the stock is listed under the symbol 'AISP.' The offering is underwritten on a firm commitment basis, and the company has provided underwriters a 45-day option to purchase additional shares for over-allotments. Airship AI Holdings, which is considered an 'emerging growth company,' plans to use the net proceeds for working capital and general corporate purposes. Despite its innovative approach, the company acknowledges a history...Show More
Airship AI Holdings, Inc., a company specializing in AI-driven data management, has filed a registration statement and preliminary prospectus with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on June 21, 2024, for the offering of its common stock. The shares will be priced based on the last reported sale price on The Nasdaq Global Market, where the stock is listed under the symbol 'AISP.' The offering is underwritten on a firm commitment basis, and the company has provided underwriters a 45-day option to purchase additional shares for over-allotments. Airship AI Holdings, which is considered an 'emerging growth company,' plans to use the net proceeds for working capital and general corporate purposes. Despite its innovative approach, the company acknowledges a history of losses and the need for substantial additional funding. It also emphasizes the importance of protecting its intellectual property in a competitive and rapidly evolving industry. Significant recent transactions include a merger and the issuance of convertible notes and warrants. The company also has in place an Equity Incentive Plan, a 401(k) plan with a matching offer, and has disclosed related party transactions with its founders.
Airship AI Holdings是一家專門從事人工智能驅動數據管理的公司,於2024年6月21日向美國證券交易委員會提交了註冊聲明和初步招股書,擬公開發行其普通股。股票價格將基於其在納斯達克全球市場上上市的標的股票'AISP'的最後報告出售價格。該發行是以牢固承諾的方式進行的,公司已向承銷商提供了購買額外股份的45天選擇權。Airship AI Holdings被視爲“新興增長型公司”,計劃將淨收益用於營運資金和一般企業用途。儘管其創新性方法備受認可,但該公司承認其存在歷史虧損的記錄和需要大量額外資金的需求,並強調在競爭激烈且快速發展的行業中保護其知識產權的重要性。該公司的重要近期交易包括合併和可轉債和認股證的發行。公司還制定了股權激勵計劃、一項提供匹配資金的401(k)計劃,並披露了與其創始人相關的交易。
Airship AI Holdings是一家專門從事人工智能驅動數據管理的公司,於2024年6月21日向美國證券交易委員會提交了註冊聲明和初步招股書,擬公開發行其普通股。股票價格將基於其在納斯達克全球市場上上市的標的股票'AISP'的最後報告出售價格。該發行是以牢固承諾的方式進行的,公司已向承銷商提供了購買額外股份的45天選擇權。Airship AI Holdings被視爲“新興增長型公司”,計劃將淨收益用於營運資金和一般企業用途。儘管其創新性方法備受認可,但該公司承認其存在歷史虧損的記錄和需要大量額外資金的需求,並強調在競爭激烈且快速發展的行業中保護其知識產權的重要性。該公司的重要近期交易包括合併和可轉債和認股證的發行。公司還制定了股權激勵計劃、一項提供匹配資金的401(k)計劃,並披露了與其創始人相關的交易。


