
Super Micro Computer | 8-K: Current report

Super Micro Computer | 8-K: Current report

超微電腦 | 8-K:重大事件
美股SEC公告 ·  2024/06/22 04:34


Super Micro Computer has entered into a Master Colocation Services Agreement (MCSA) with 4701 Santa Fe, LLC on June 14, 2024, to lease data center space in Vernon, California. The agreement includes Service Order MCSA-001, under which the company will lease 21 MW of a multi-tenanted facility for a 10-year term, with an estimated aggregate financial obligation of $600 million.Concurrently, Super Micro has executed a Sublicense agreement with Lambda, Inc., transferring all rights and obligations regarding the Data Center Space. Lambda will assume all financial responsibilities, including monthly recurring charges plus an additional monthly fee, and will pay other charges directly to the Supplier. In case of default and subsequent payment acceleration, Super Micro maintains the right to seek reimbursement from Lambda.
Super Micro Computer has entered into a Master Colocation Services Agreement (MCSA) with 4701 Santa Fe, LLC on June 14, 2024, to lease data center space in Vernon, California. The agreement includes Service Order MCSA-001, under which the company will lease 21 MW of a multi-tenanted facility for a 10-year term, with an estimated aggregate financial obligation of $600 million.Concurrently, Super Micro has executed a Sublicense agreement with Lambda, Inc., transferring all rights and obligations regarding the Data Center Space. Lambda will assume all financial responsibilities, including monthly recurring charges plus an additional monthly fee, and will pay other charges directly to the Supplier. In case of default and subsequent payment acceleration, Super Micro maintains the right to seek reimbursement from Lambda.
2024年6月14日,Super Micro Computer與4701 Santa Fe有限責任公司簽訂協議,在加利福尼亞州弗農市租賃數據中心空間。主協作服務協議(MCSA)概述了租賃數據中心空間的一般條款,這些條款將在各個服務訂單中被更詳細地描述。除了MCSA之外,超微電腦還簽署了一個服務訂單,租用21兆瓦的空間,租期爲10年,預計財務承諾金額爲6億美元。這包括月租費、電力和其他成本。此外,該公司還與Lambda,Inc.簽訂了子許可協議,Lambda將承擔租賃空間的所有權利和義務,包括向供應商支付的月度費用和其他費用。協議還包括供應商在違約情況下進行加速付款的條款,超微電腦保留在此種情況下追償Lambda的權利。
2024年6月14日,Super Micro Computer與4701 Santa Fe有限責任公司簽訂協議,在加利福尼亞州弗農市租賃數據中心空間。主協作服務協議(MCSA)概述了租賃數據中心空間的一般條款,這些條款將在各個服務訂單中被更詳細地描述。除了MCSA之外,超微電腦還簽署了一個服務訂單,租用21兆瓦的空間,租期爲10年,預計財務承諾金額爲6億美元。這包括月租費、電力和其他成本。此外,該公司還與Lambda,Inc.簽訂了子許可協議,Lambda將承擔租賃空間的所有權利和義務,包括向供應商支付的月度費用和其他費用。協議還包括供應商在違約情況下進行加速付款的條款,超微電腦保留在此種情況下追償Lambda的權利。


